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for older adult services and to solidify funding for Senior Times and provide funding for sustaining <br />informational services. <br />Connie Mullinix said that she applauds the effort to get into the plan to do a <br />comnwnity survey.. She hopes that we will work very strongly with Healthy Orange and the Health <br />Department and would propose that this be added to the report. Myra Austin accepted this change. <br />Barry .Jacobs asked if we ever steer providers to senior communities in terms of <br />health care.. He went to the opening of a new community called Asbury Crossing which is across <br />from Mebane Lumber and they will have 140-160 owner occupied senior units and they have space <br />within the community for a clinic.. Myra Austin said Chat we have never done anything like steer a <br />doctor to a particular community. <br />Florence Soltys said that this concept would need to be studied.. Perhaps someone <br />like Piedmont Health would be interested in providing this service for a community. Comlie <br />Mullinix mentioned that there may be a program at NC State which would provide funding for an <br />on-site doctor. <br />Ann .Johnson said that it seems to her that it would be worthwhile to include as a <br />recommendation that a relationship with the County Planning Deparhnent needs to be developed so <br />we would not be hearing about this new development after it has already been approved. The time <br />to meet with them would have been when it was being planned.. <br />.Jack Chestnut said that in a couple of cases the Advisory Board on Aging has been <br />asked to review plans for new development and have offered comments. <br />Barry .Jacobs agreed with Ann .Johnson and noted for the record that this <br />development was approved by Mebane. The County will try to work with Mebane on Joint <br />Planning sometime in the future. <br />Jerry Passmore said that they approve of support services within the community. <br />The issue is transportation for other services that will need to be reviewed and worked out, He <br />would like to have a planning group look at these developments and look at several issues including <br />human services and transportation.. <br />.Janice Tyler clarified that they are asking for new positions for the new senior <br />centers and Chese are noC included in the current budget so they will have to go back to Che County <br />Commissioners as startup positions. <br />.Jack Chestnut said that the Advisory Board on Aging has approved these new <br />positions for the new Senior Center. <br />B, Moderately Impaired Fwlctional Group -Kate Barrett <br />Kate Barrett gave this report, The draft report dated April 12, 2006 is hereby made a <br />part of these minutes by reference. The five top priority issues are (1) lack of mental health <br />services, (2) isolation and loneliness, (.3) lack of case management services, (4) lack of collaboration <br />with the faitJt communities and (5) dementia. Throughout all The group meetings they had, Che lack <br />of information was mentioned -marketing and getting the word out. The f rst goal under isolation <br />and loneliness is to establish a comprehensive database of county seniors, The ideas mentioned <br />were centered on working with Emergency Management and the Department of Social Services to <br />identify the seniors who need services. The second goal is to advertise the Dept. on Aging as a <br />portal for all information and issues r°egarding seniors, The third goal deals with identifying <br />nontraditional ways to seek out seniors,. The fourth goal is to establish formal relationships and <br />encourage coordination between existing agencies. The fifth goal emphasizes the importance of <br />making the new senior' centers welcoming and totally accessible to seniors with disabilities. Kate <br />Barrett said that if we build the senior centers with accommodations which are inviting, the people <br />will come. The sixth goal involves conducting a countywide campaign to get churches and other <br />organizations to provide funding for frail seniors who cannot afford personal emergency response <br />systems. The seventh goal is an extension of the current Friend to Friend program whereby trained <br />