Orange County NC Website
Partners: OCDOA, OCDSS, OCHD, local churches, OCIM, retired health <br />professionals.. <br />Objective F-5: Increase community awareness of care management services. <br />Lead Organization (s): Dept. on Aging's Eldercare Program, DSS Adult Services <br />Unit, and Health Dept. <br />3.3 <br />Strategies: <br />A. Create a public awareness campaign about the Community Alternative Program <br />(CAP-DA). <br />B, Create a public awareness campaign about private care managers in the community. <br />C, Create interest in making care management available to individuals who do not <br />qualify for CAP-DA and cannot afford in home services to help support the OCDOA <br />Frail Elderly Fund and in-kind contributions from private care managers. <br />D, Support and increase church care teams with an emphasis on chronic care, <br />Objective F-6: Increase collaboration on evaluation, care planning, and on-going <br />intervention by Orange County agencies offering case management. <br />Lead Organization (s): Dept. on Aging's Eldercare Program, DSS Adult Services <br />Unit, and Health Dept. <br />Strategies: <br />A, The Department on Aging, Department of Social Services Adult Services, and OCHD <br />Chronic Care Nurse Educator staff will have a method of sharing a client database to <br />maximize synergy and decrease duplication of effort without violating HIIPA, <br />B. The Department on Aging, OCDSS, OCHD Chronic care nurse educator will meet <br />regularly to discuss difficult cases before they are candidates far guardianship. <br />3.3 <br />