Orange County NC Website
Caring Family Network (formerly OPC) <br />G. Hire professional staff to function as liaison with faith communities and county <br />human services to enable families to reduce their stress level while postponing <br />institutional placements. <br />Partners: OC Government, Triangle J, faith communities. <br />31 <br />H. Create a regular newspaper column devoted to O and A about care giving issues. <br />Partners: OCDOA interdisciplinary staff, local newspapers, UNC Program on Aging, <br />Piedmont Health Systems, and National Family Caregiver Support Program. <br />Objective F-2: Offer best practices in mental health care for older persons in <br />affordable, stigma-free, non-psychiatric settings. <br />Lead Organization Is): Dept. on Aging's Eldercare Program, UNC Geropsychiatry <br />with Partners- public and private groups listed below. <br />Strategies: <br />A. Implement the IMPACT program for geriatric depression in primary care <br />physician offices through partnerships with primary care physician practices, <br />UNC Geriatric Psychiatry, and OCDOA. <br />B. Provide Medicare-reimbursable mental health therapy for seniors and their <br />caregivers by clinical staff at senior centers. <br />C. Provide therapy groups for seniors with mental health issues at senior centers <br />as the need arises, based on input from seniors, families, physicians, and <br />human service personnel. <br />Partners: UNC Geriatric Psychiatry, UNC Program on Aging, Primary physician <br />practices, OCDOA, licensed clinicians, OCDSS, Caring Family Network (formerly OPC). <br />Objective F-3: Increase the utilization, safety, and comfort of the new senior <br />centers by/for individuals with functional impairments in mobility, <br />vision, hearing, continence, and memory. <br />Lead Organization (s): Dept. on Aging with Partners-North Carolina Division of the <br />Blind; Center for Universal Design, OCDOA, North Carolina Services for the Deaf <br />and Hard of Hearing, DSS, OC Disability Awareness Council, Eastern NC <br />Alzheimer's Association, and architects. <br />Strategies: <br />A. Design workshops for seniors on "How to be a Friend to a Person with Memory <br />Loss.." <br />B. Create apost-rehabilitation program in each senior center, in which impaired <br />seniors can continue to increase or maintain functional ability after Medicare <br />rehabilitation services have been discontinued. <br />31 <br />