Orange County NC Website
<br />ORANGE COUNTY MASTER AGING PLAN UPDATE: 2006-10 <br />M.A.P. STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING #4 <br />MAY I I, 2006 <br />MINUTES <br />The M.A.P. Steering Committee held a meeting on May 1 1, 2006 at the Southern Human <br />Services Center, 2501 Homestead Road in Chapel Hill, North Carolina at 10:00 a.m. <br />PRESENT: The list of those present is attached to these minutes. The list includes <br />members, staff and visitors, <br />MEETING OBJECTIVE: Complete prioritizing issues and begin Action Planning for 2006-10 <br />Florence Soltys welcomed everyone to the meeting. She thanked Pat Sprigg for <br />presenting an update to the Board of County Commissioners on May 4. This will be discussed later <br />in the agenda. <br />1. Welcome and Introductions <br />A. Recognition of Guests <br />Everyone introduced themselves. Barry .Iacobs and Alice Gordon were <br />congratulated on his re-election victory. <br />B. Approve Minutes for Meeting #3, March 23 and Special Meeting April 20, 2006 <br />It was suggested that a list of members present be attached to the minutes. A motion was made by <br />Leo Allison, seconded by Connie Mullinix to approve the minutes for March 23 and April 20, 2006. <br />This motion received a unanimous vote.. <br />C. Other Items <br />None <br />2. RCgort on Presentation to BOCC on MAP Update _ May ~ 2006 <br />A. Follow up items <br />Florence Soltys said that she mzderstands there was a ]ot of support for what was <br />presented to the County Commissioners last week. There was a question about the tax issue which <br />is on page 7 of the abstract. She emphasized that we need to find out what is happening in other <br />places to help seniors with tax issues. <br />Barry Jacobs said that the Commissioners were receptive and appreciative of al] the <br />work that had been done. The County Commissioners did aslc for additional information for' <br />possible future legislative priorities regarding different ways of dealing with taxes. Convnissioner <br />Carey suggested that the senior community which is very active do some research on getting <br />information from other states as well as North Carolina. Either this group or the Advisory Board on <br />Aging could do this research in time for the long legislative session next year. <br />Alice Gordon said that she is supportive of trying to find some tax relief for seniors <br />and would be willing to help with the research not only for the seniors but for the lower income <br />citizens. <br />Jen-y Passmore said that he has talked about this issue with the Tax Collector and <br />also about a person in transition who wants to stay in her trailer who they were able to help. There <br />are four counties in North Carolina which are looking at the whole issue oftaxes. <br />Ann .lohnson asked about the help this person received in paying her taxes and was <br />told that she was given a loan from Senior Care of Orange County, hla which is a private non <br />profit which receives private donations and provides a revolving fund that can be used for many <br />reasons,. <br />