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B Convene a committee of organizations by the DOA Wellness Program to collect <br />and synthesize data that identifies needs and resources (including providers and <br />need for additional providers) to support wellness and build an wellness action <br />plan for the assessment. <br />C, Conduct focus groups (by DOA Wellness Program Council) with a diverse range <br />of older adults in a variety of community settings that investigate their needs <br />and perceived resources or lack of resources to support their wellness. Make <br />necessary program changes based on the findings.. <br />D, Produce an executive summary (by DOA Wellness Program Council) of the needs <br />and resources identified in the assessments, identifying both quantitative and <br />qualitative data including priorities for program planning and further action steps. <br />E. Evaluate the priorities, action steps, and results achieved (by DOA Wellness <br />Program Council) from the previous bi-annual assessment and include in the <br />2010 bi-annual assessment report the priorities that were addressed, not <br />addressed and the supports, barriers and problems to its achievements. <br />Objective E-4: Improve Elder Adult Driver Safety for the protection of the <br />individual and community. <br />28 <br />Lead Organization (s): Dept. on Aging Wellness Program with Partners-UNC Program <br />on Aging, UNC Occupational Dept., DMV, UNC Safety Research, State HARP. <br />Strategies: <br />A, Implement a campaign by DOA Wellness Program and RSVP to distribute <br />transportation information/materials for safe driving and community mobility which <br />includes: Identifying senior friendly car types, promoting AARP safe driving <br />courses; encouraging transportation alternatives by health care professionals, <br />(i,e. family, friends, public transportation, church volunteer drivers, emergency <br />contact lists) <br />B, Mobilize and train faith community by DOA Wellness Program to assist with safe <br />driving campaign by providing transportation for elders and encourage acceptance if <br />"no driving recommended" by health care professionals, friends, family, DMV, <br />C. Implement a "Driver Screening Skills Project" by the DOA Wellness Council that <br />utilizes volunteer testing options, DMV Testing Policy, UNC-CH Occupational <br />Therapy Screening. <br />D, Convene a group by UNC Program on Aging to develop a continuing education plan <br />for appropriate health care professionals to address their role in driver safety for <br />older adults.. <br />Objective E-5: Increase information and education services that focus on the <br />28 <br />