Orange County NC Website
26 <br />FOCUS: WF,LL-FIT OLDER ADIII,TS <br />Goal E: Well-Fit Older Population - To Improve and/or Maintain the <br />Health and Well-being of Orange County's Well-Fit Older <br />Adults for as Long as Possible including Future Older <br />Persons. (Prevention focus) <br />Objective EE=1: Provide preventive home-based community services to help <br />people maintain their health and age in place. <br />Lead Organization Is): County and Towns- Planning and Housing Departments <br />Partners-DOA Wellness Program. <br />Strategies: <br />A, Convene a committee to plan for "Senior and Liveable community designs" at town <br />and county planning meetings that promote "Aging in Place" within new housing <br />developments including: (1) Affordable housing, (2) Universal design features, <br />(3) Walkable neighborhoods, and (4) caregiver housing on private properties, <br />B. Plan strategies by Planning and Housing Departments that give builders incentives <br />to build accessible housing, which encourage people from various socio-economic, <br />ethnic, and racial backgrounds to live together in the same community.. <br />C Plan strategies by Planning and Housing Departments that give developers <br />monetary incentives to design communities that allow all residents easy accessibility <br />to places of interest and need (shopping, banking, socializing, and leisure activities) <br />by walking or biking.. <br />D. Train a group of well-fit seniors by County/Town Depts. who would be peer models <br />for healthy aging in their community by volunteering to develop and facilitate <br />programs that may benefit all older adults (walking and exercise programs, hikes, <br />games, community events, etc,) at existing community locations where they meet <br />26 <br />