Orange County NC Website
24 <br />Lead Organization (s): Orange Public Trans. (OPT) with Partners - OC. Trans. <br />Services Board, Orange Unified Trans. Board, and others. <br />Strategies: <br />A.. Expand and redesign customer service surveys with input from the older <br />adults of Orange County. <br />B. Hald public forums specific to older adults to educate residents of all transit <br />options available in Orange County and surrounding areas. <br />C. Enhance visibility of Orange Public Transportation with an easily identifiable <br />transit system name, logo and website. <br />D. Hold public forums to educate older adults on emergency evacuation <br />procedures and transportation available (emergency shelter issues). <br />Goal D: Transitional Care- Promote the transition and maintenance of <br />older persons in the most appropriate health care provider <br />setting. <br />Objective D-1: Maintain older persons in the most appropriate setting through the <br />development or expansion of innovative models of aging-friendly <br />community programs. <br />Lead Organization~sLDept. on Aging with Partners- Carol Woods Center of Excellence <br />and others -Senior Care of Orange County, Piedmont Health Services, UNC Hospitals. <br />Strategies: <br />A. Community Day Health- Expand adult day health capacity and creative <br />collaboration of services and resources between senior centers and day <br />health centers. <br />B. Health Maintenance Organization for the Poor -Support the development of <br />P.A.C.E. (Program of All-Inclusive Care of the Elderly) which helps low-income <br />elderly (medicaid/medicare eligible) to remain in their home as long as appropriate <br />with community-based health care. <br />D. Hospital Setting - Encourage a "senior friendly" space in hospital emergency rooms. <br />E. Home Setting- Support expanding assessment and care planning using home <br />setting (similar to Hubbard Program and mobile SHAC). <br />24 <br />