Orange County NC Website
B, Develop new OPT routes to connect with existing North-South route <br />(Hillsborough to Chapel Hill) to include Hillsborough in-town route and East- <br />West public route, <br />C. Expand OPT's scope and hours from medical to include other life sustaining <br />and life enriching services. <br />D. Require all future senior housing projects to have transit plans as a part of the <br />approval process that is reviewed by the Transportation Services Board as <br />well as the County Planning Board. <br />Objective C-3: Improve coordination of all public transit routes and services <br />within Orange County and the Triangle Region. <br />Lead Organization (s): NC Dept. on Transportation and Trans. Services Board. <br />Strateqies: <br />A, Complete the Triangle Regional Development Plan (TRDP) study that will <br />provide recommendations for consolidation/coordination of services within <br />Wake, Durham, and Orange Counties. <br />B. Complete Community Transportation Improvement Plan (CTIP) <br />recommendations (after completioh of Regional Development Plan) for <br />organizational placement of Orange Public Transportation (OPT) to stay within <br />the Department on Aging or establish a new county transportation department <br />or move OPT outside the county structure, <br />Objective C-4: Expand mobility efforts through the use of volunteer staff <br />(drivers and escorts) for frail/elderly who require door <br />through door service. <br />Lead Organization (s): Dept. Aging with Partners -O.P.T. RSVP and A Helping <br />Hand <br />Strateqies: <br />A. Recruit volunteers to assist with preparing and transporting frail/elderly clients <br />who require life sustaining transit issues through RSVP and other agencies. <br />B. Provide volunteer staff training in assisting special populations (frail, elderly, <br />mobility impaired) <br />C. Educate older adults regarding the availability of volunteer staff to support <br />transit needs. <br />Objective C-5: Improve awareness of existing transit services and offering <br />input for additional services. <br />2.3 <br />2.3 <br />