Orange County NC Website
22 <br />B. The County Affordable Housing Advisory Board consider county funding options to <br />address the senior housing needs. <br />C. Seek senior housing assistance from Orange County Housing and Land Trust, <br />Empowerment, Inc., Habitat for Humanity, Women's Center, Weaver Community <br />Housing Association, N.C. Land Trust and USDA Federal Housing Programs, <br />Goal C: Transit/Mobility: Enhance mobility options for all older adults <br />regardless of functionality through amulti-module vision that <br />is acceptable, efficient, effective and affordable. <br />Objective C-1: Increase funding sources for expansion and/or enhancements of <br />new or existing services to improve older adults transit services. <br />Lead Organization (s): BOCC with Partners - NC Dept. on Transportation, RPO, <br />O.P.T. ,Human Services Trans. Board, Planning Dept. <br />Strategies: <br />A, Encourage local merchants to financially support specific public routes or <br />transit services, <br />B. Solicit additional state and federal funds as well as private foundation grants. <br />C. Consider local legislation to enact levies/taxes for transportation purposes. <br />D. Review fare structures and donation programs to increase revenues. <br />E, Partner with adult day care, assisted living, nursing home facilities to provide <br />additional transit funding. <br />F. Utilize Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAC~) funds for bus shelters, bike <br />racks, and park and ride lots <br />Objective C-2: Improve Orange Public Transportation (OPT) transit services <br />as requested by older adults in rural Orange County. <br />Lead Organization (s): Orange Public Trans.(OPT), OC Trans. Services Board, <br />OC Planning Dept. <br />Strategies: <br />A, Expand OPT's hours and route configurations for the new Orange County <br />Senior Centers. <br />22 <br />