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C Develop and seek funding fora new "Media and Aging" studio at the New <br />Seymour <br />Center that would provide on site show production with live audience participation, <br />Zo <br />D, Partner with radio and television to increase information and education programming <br />on aging needs, services and issues. <br />Goal B: HousinglShelter: Promote an adequate supply of safe, <br />affordable, and suitable housing options for older <br />residents to age in place. <br />Objective B-1: Expand assistance in the retrofitting, repair and maintenance of <br />existing older adults homes. <br />Lead Organization (s): OC Dept. of Housing and Community Dev. with Partners- <br />Aging Advisory Board and others. <br />Strategies: <br />A, Develop and distribute a listing of reliable/honest businesses who perform home <br />repairs/renovations and maintenance.. (chamber of Commerce, Homebuilders Assn..) <br />B. Encourage the development of volunteer groups (churches, clubs, youth, etc.) to <br />provide low cost/no cost home maintenance (outside repair, yard work, etc.) to low <br />income older adults. <br />C. Monitor use and need to expand the County's Urgent Repair and Comprehensive <br />Housing Rehabilitation Program for older adult home owners, <br />D. Implement programs in vocational education classes at high schools and community <br />colleges that provide credit far community service hours to older persons in Orange <br />County. <br />E. Establish a volunteer pool of retired trades people willing to provide home <br />maintenance services on a sliding scale. <br />Objective B-2: Expand tax assistance for older adults who have difficulty over <br />time paying their property tax on their home. <br />Lead Organization ~ BOCC and Manager's Office. Partners: County Attorney, <br />Revenue Collector, Tax Assessor, Finance Director, Budget Director, Dept. on <br />Aging/Aging Advisory Board, Senior Care of Orange County, Inc. and others. <br />Strategies: <br />A. Advocate legislatively to increase the coverage and allowance for the N.G. <br />20 <br />