Orange County NC Website
C. Increase the number of local newspapers that print monthly feature articles on <br />older <br />persons, their contributions and accomplishments. <br />18 <br />D, Evaluate the need for amulti-lingual, culturally sensitive version of the Orange County <br />Eldercare Community Resource Guide and make necessary changes. <br />E. Partner with Emergency Response Organizations (EMS, DSS, Red Cross, Health <br />Dept, RSVP) to improve dissemination of disaster preparation information to all older <br />adults on multi-hazard situations such as natural disasters and man-made ones. <br />F. Increase and monitor the availability of health and preventive information at all county <br />health facilities, libraries, senior centers, and public facilities. <br />G. Review all older adults services materials for developing culturally appropriate <br />educational flyers for those most in need and make necessary changes. <br />Website Approach: <br />G, Redesign, maintain and evaluate (e.g. number of hits/ user comments on design and <br />content) the County Aging web site for providing information and make necessary <br />changes, <br />H, Improve access to the internet for the public at county senior centers with wireless <br />internet connection and on site checkout computers, <br />Provide training (SeniorNet) at senior centers on internet access and use of key aging <br />information websites such as Orange County's (, Triangle <br />J.. Area Agency on Aging (, The Full Circle of Care for family caregivers <br />( and The National Eldercare Locator Services (Eldercare,gov) <br />Objective A-3: Improve information outreach on preventive and community <br />services to all older persons, those with specialized needs, aging <br />service providers, community leaders, and public. <br />Lead Organization (s1: Dept. on Aging with Partners listed below. <br />Strategies: <br />A, Place information at key locations used by older persons and families most in need <br />such as pharmacies, physicians' offices, health clinics, places of worsip, <br />Health Department, Cooperative Extension, libraries, Dept.. of Social Services and <br />Senior Centers. <br />B. Consider establishing a ROSCO (Roundtable of Senior Citizens Organizations) of key <br />community elders who meet and disseminate a variety of information on <br />services, opportunities and retirement educational matters. <br />C. Partner with newcomer service organizations and publications such as Chambers of <br />18 <br />