Orange County NC Website
17 <br />FOCUS: ALL OLDER ADULTS- OVERARCHING GOALS <br />Goal A: Information/Access- Enhance information & assistance options <br />for all older persons and their families who need access to services, <br />especially those most in need. <br />Objective A-1: Improve marketing and evaluation of existing Information and <br />assistance services. <br />Lead Organization Is): Dept. on Aging with Partners- United Way & Institute on Aging <br />and others listed below. <br />Strategies: <br />A. Implement a community awareness campaign (esp, May- Older Americans Month <br />each year) of the vital role of senior centers as information and services centers. <br />B. Implement new ways of advertising telephone assistance-Local -DOA Elder <br />Helpline; Region- United Way 211 and N.C. Care-Line and evaluate use for <br />changes. <br />C. Implement new ways to publicize specialized information, such as Seniors Health <br />Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) and Medicare Part D to older adults. <br />D, Administer a community survey to measure the impact of existing marketing <br />strategies to reach older persons and families and make necessary changes,. <br />Objective A-2: Improve access to printed and website information to older persons, <br />families and service providers. <br />Lead Organization (s): Dept. on Aging, BOCC with Partners- IT and others below. <br />Strategies: <br />Printed Materials Approach: <br />A. Review and evaluate the Senior Times Newspaper (design, content, distribution) in <br />informing older persons and make necessary changes, <br />B, Review and evaluate the Orange County Eldercare Community Resource Guide in <br />providing Information on resources and services for all older adults from the well-fit to <br />the severely impaired/institutionalized and make necessary changes. <br />17 <br />