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4. Dr. Stroman asked if anyone seemed really interested based on the conversations <br />Ms. May had with them. <br />5. Ms. May stated that Ms. Spencer and Ms. Sykes both seemed particularly <br />interested in serving. She also stated that Ms. Spencer notified her that she would <br />be working in Community Engagement at the UNC School of Social Work <br />beginning in the fall, and wanted that announced to the HRC. <br />6. Scott Goldsmith stated that there are enough vacancies to appoint all of the <br />applicants. <br />7. Ms. Richard stated she had tried to get some of the applications through for <br />several months, so she didn't know why the County Commissioners' didn't go <br />ahead and push them through. <br />8. Mr. Goldsmith stated that 5 people have resigned recently so all of their spots <br />could be filled. <br />9. Ms. Richard stated that Nora Spencer came to a meeting twice, Ana Garcia came <br />once, and it kept getting pushed back for them to be appointed by the County <br />Commissioners, and now we are down to 9 people. She stated that part of the <br />problem was trying to follow a process where people could vote for <br />recommendations, but enough people have not been attending meetings to make a <br />quorum. <br />10. Ms. May stated that the idea from the Clerk's office was to allow the HRC an <br />opportunity to make the recommendations before the names and applications went <br />before the BOCC so they would have a say in who gets appointed, which is why <br />the process was getting pushed back. Ms. May continued by stating the BOCC <br />can go ahead and vote on all of the applicants, with or without the HRC's <br />recommendation if they are unable to give them. <br />11. Ms. Richard recommended that the BOCC go ahead and vote on the applicants in <br />September and Ms. May stated she would begin that process with Annette Moore. <br />12. Dr. Stroman asked if the HRC reported to Annette, and Ms. May clarified that the <br />HRC is its own body advising the BOCC, but staff acts as support and as the <br />middle person between the HRC and the BOCC. <br />13. Mr. Goldsmith and Ms. Richard both expressed that members not attending <br />meetings to make a quorum was making the process of recommendations <br />difficult. Ms. Richard stated that if there were a core of 5 members who came <br />every time, it would be easier. Ms. Richard reiterated that the BOCC should <br />proceed to make the appointments to the HRC. She also stated that she had tried <br />to do more outreach to people who are representative of communities and <br />encouraging them to apply for the board. <br />14. Dr. Stroman clarified that the BOCC would be told that the HRC recommended <br />certain people at the September meeting. Ms. May stated that was correct. <br />B. Openings <br />1. 2 re- appointments <br />a. Ms. May stated that Marc Xavier and Jacqulyn Podger are both up for <br />reappointments. <br />2. 5 at -large vacancies <br />a. Dr. Stroman, Ms. Richard, Mr. Goldsmith, discussed the applications for <br />April Chang, Anita Sue Kinzer, and Jennifer Sykes. <br />