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Lrterim Aniaur/Services Menrorarrtlruu <br />Jrure 2.3, 2006 <br />Page 2 <br />Given our limited responsibility for animal services during this interim period we have consulted with the <br />County's Budget Office to ensure that the costs of our service costs are recovered. What we are <br />proposing is a total base fee of $7,420 that includes, labor, mileage, materials and service administration. <br />Essentially, this service charge amounts to one half of what would be the total costs of animal control <br />services if they were exclusively provided by the Town of Carrboro for that period, <br />In summary, the purpose of this memorandum is to obtain approval from your Office and the Board of <br />Commissioners to further discuss an Interim Service Agreement for Animal Services with the Town of <br />Carrboro for the period ,tune 19"~'' 2006, to October 1 ~', 2006. The agreement that would be proposed is <br />attached as is an Action Agenda Item Abstract summarizing the agreement and describing the context <br />from which it has emerged.. <br />I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. <br />Enclosures: BOCC Agenda Item Absh'nct Approval to Enter info a Proposed Conn act with the Towrr of <br />Can boro fa' Interim Provision oJL.inrited Animal Conn o/Services <br />Proposec Lrterinr Arrinrnl Services Agreement Orange County and Town nJ Carrbor°o <br />Cc: Irene Paul, Animal Control Manager <br />