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• Urgent Repair Program and projects with affordable housing partners (nonprofits, <br />for - profit and Towns). <br />• Land use for affordable housing and identification of areas where there is <br />proposed to be water and sewer. <br />• That the AHAB compile a list of county and other publicly owned land that could <br />be used to help meeting affordable housing goals. <br />Audrey shared that the BOCC discussed land banking and saving mobile home parks an <br />affordable supply of housing and that they have also asked the Planning Department to look into <br />tiny homes or cottage development. <br />Audrey discussed with the AHAB about getting public input on the Affordable Housing <br />Strategic Plan. She discussed possibly hosting public meetings with key stakeholder group like <br />the Housing Coalition and Empowerment and perhaps having a public hearing before it goes to <br />the board. She would like for the AHAB to hold a forum to present highlights of what <br />information has been compiled to be presented to the BOCC in February. Audrey also stated <br />that she would like to discuss with the AHAB what they would recommend on how the five <br />million dollar bond should be used. <br />Audrey Spencer - Horsley shared that she had been contacted by tenants of a mobile home <br />park that were concerned about if their mobile home park would be destroyed. The tenants said <br />they asked the owner and was told the information was not true. Tammy Jacobs mentioned the <br />mobile home study that was conducted at the request of the AHAB several years ago. Nannie <br />Richmond also informed the AHAB that several people in the Fairview area in Hillsborough <br />have to find housing because the properties where they reside were going to be sold. Nannie also <br />mentioned that she had talked with someone about the vacant hotel on highway 70 West in <br />Hillsborough. The AHAB agreed that the motel could help with some of the homeless <br />population. Ellie Kinnaird made a motion to approach the Town of Hillsborough about <br />emergency funds or some type of assistance for tenants that are being displaced. The motion <br />was seconded by Tammy Jacobs and was unanimous. The board discussed foreclosed homes as a <br />source of obtaining affordable housing and Audrey stated that she would check into that <br />possibility. Tammy stated that the County needs some type of temporary assistance living for <br />folks when they are displaced in terms of having somewhere to go when unexpected <br />displacement happens. <br />Other Business <br />Audrey polled the board to see if they would be able to attend a forum in other parts of <br />the county (possibly community centers) in January or early February. Tammy suggested maybe <br />joining with another event in order to get people to attend. <br />