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planned use of the money; the committee can not advocate. Diane Beechman volunteered to serve on <br />the education committee; there was consensus of the members with no objections. <br />Resignations /Remaining Vacancies <br />Crystal Coble informed the AHAB members that Sully Jaffer resigned and Traci Wooten asked <br />to remain on the AHAB but the members stood by their initial vote to have her removed because of lack <br />of attendance. <br />Speakers for Future Meetings <br />Corey Root the new Homelessness Program Coordinator will be invited to the May meeting. <br />Audrey asked if any AHAB members had anyone else that they would like to invite to future meetings <br />as a guest speaker. There we no requests made. Noah Oswald requested that the Orange County owned <br />land, land use, mobile homes and affordable housing inventories be made available to the AHAB in the <br />hopes that it would provide the AHAB with questions which would aid them in selecting quest speakers <br />in the future. Audrey Spencer - Horsley informed the AHAB that the information is available in the <br />Proposed Affordable Housing Strategic Plan which can be viewed on the Orange County website. The <br />link for the plan is: <br />htlp:// <br />Other AHAB Activities <br />Audrey Spencer - Horsley suggested September for the proposed affordable housing tour to avoid <br />conflict with the busy BOCC schedule at this time. The AHAB agreed that September would be an ideal <br />time for the bus tour and set the initial tentative dates for Saturday, September 10th or Tuesday, <br />September 13th contingent on whichever date is better for BOCC attendance. <br />Requested Bus Tour stops: <br />Camelot Village <br />Unit that did not pass HCV HQS inspection <br />Projects that had been funded by the County <br />County owned land with the highest rankings <br />Mobile Home Parks <br />An additional AHAB activity purposed was a Housing conference in October. A summary of the <br />discussion included the following purposed objectives /activities: <br />• Community wide conference <br />• For the youth: Twit a -thou for high school students <br />• First time Home buyers workshop open for all (managed by the non - profits) <br />• Home Depot: DIY <br />• Tiny homes and designs <br />• Invite community partners that have participated in similar programs /projects to speak <br />about what works and what does not. <br />• Kids section <br />• Goal would be to have a broad appeal <br />• Housing Design for Seniors <br />• To encourage wide range of participation and interest <br />• Affordable Housing Photo /Drawing contest <br />