AHAB minutes 030816
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Affordable Housing Advisory Board
AHAB minutes 030816
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Last modified
2/26/2018 12:10:18 PM
Creation date
2/26/2018 12:10:12 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Housing for New Hope <br />a. The AHAB stated that the services provided and the number of people served is small. <br />Also the AHAB was not satisfied with outreach in northern part of the county. They were <br />given a score of 100. Keith Cook believed that they should not be awarded the entire <br />requested amount if they do not provide services they entire county. Nannie motioned to <br />recommend $15,000 instead of the $22,000 requested. Tammy second motioned and the <br />motion passed with five for and two against. <br />2. Community Home Trust <br />a. The AHAB voted to recommend that they receive the amount that they are requesting. <br />The AHAB stated that the services provided and people served needs to more diverse <br />with regards to income, ethnic groups and geographical areas. Also the AHAB was not <br />satisfied with the amount of collaboration with other organizations. They were given a <br />score of 100. They were given a score of 86. <br />3. EmPowerment <br />a. The AHAB voted to recommend that they receive the amount that they are requesting. <br />They were given a score of 100. <br />4. Community Empowerment Fund <br />a. The AHAB voted to recommend that they receive the amount that they are requesting. <br />They were given a score of 100. <br />5. Habitat for Humanity <br />a. The AHAB voted to recommend that they receive the amount that they are requesting. <br />They were given a score of 100. <br />6. Rebuilding Together <br />a. The AHAB voted to recommend that they receive $10,000 instead of the amount that <br />they are requesting. The AHAB feels that there is not enough sufficient rationale to <br />justify need for Orange County funding because there programs and activities are 70% <br />focused in Wake County. They were given a score of 70. They voted by show of hands <br />to recommend $10,000 instead of the $30,000 requested. The vote pasted with and the <br />motion passed with four wanting to reduce it to $10,000 and three for $20,000. <br />The following agenda items were postponed to be discussed and the next AHAB meeting. <br />1. Gateway <br />2. Resignations /Remaining Vacancies <br />3. Sub - Committees <br />4. Speakers <br />5. Other ARAB Activities <br />6. Bus Tour; Purposed Date: Saturday, May 21st <br />Other Business <br />Audrey informed the AHAB of the following upcoming meetings and dates: <br />1. Orange County Affordable Housing Strategic Plan Update Presenting to the <br />Board on March 22, 2016 <br />2. Community Meeting: March 17, 6pm <br />3. County Bond Referendum for Schools and Affordable Housing Public Hearing <br />April 19, 2016 <br />4. UNC- Affordable Housing Presentation Tuesday, April 12, 2016 <br />a. Housing at Southern Human Services Center, Chapel Hill <br />Audrey stated that the locations would be provided via email at later date. <br />
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