Orange County NC Website
Affordable Housing Advisory Board <br />300 West Tryon Street Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Tuesday, March 08, 2016 <br />Minutes <br />Members Present: Patsy Barbie, Chair; Arthur Sprinczeles, Vice Chair; Diane Beecham, Noah <br />Oswald; Eleanor Kinnaird; Nannie Richmond; Tammy Jacobs and Daniel Bullock <br />Excused Absence: Jason O' Quinn, Sully Jaffer and Brika Eklund <br />Unexcused Absence: Traci Wooten and Kolby Herndon <br />Visitors: Keith Cook, Renee Price, Betty Stuart, and Ms. Wells <br />Staff Present: Audrey Spencer - Horsley, Director; and Crystal Coble, Administrative Assistant <br />Welcome /Introduction <br />Pasty Barbie, the AHAB Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:07pm. AHAB members <br />introduced themselves and visitors. <br />Department Report /County Report <br />Fairview <br />Victors and members voiced their concerns regarding tenants in Fairview having to relocate and <br />the difficulties they were facing. The main concerns were <br />• Whose responsibility is it to help them find a new residence? <br />• Are the homes in Fairview availed for purchase by the county or individuals? <br />• Is there money set aside for residents who can't afford moving expenses? <br />• What is the county doing to help in instances of emergency relocation? <br />• What is being done so that lifetime residents do not to have to relocate to a <br />different county? <br />Audrey explained that in regards to tenants on the Housing Choice Voucher program it is there <br />responsibility to find their own residence. However in situations where a person is mentally or physical <br />unable to do that themselves they are put in contact with Community Empowerment Fund, who has <br />limited resources to performed one - one /door -to -door housing searches. Audrey explained that <br />purchasing the Fairview homes in question is being considered. Audrey shared that she has been in <br />continual contact with our community partners and the Department of Social Services in order to help <br />those who how need help with moving expenses including electric, water, and rental deposits. Audrey <br />informed the members and visitors that it has been brought to the County Manager and the <br />Homelessness Program Coordinator that there needs to be a clear and direct action plan for instances of <br />emergency relocation and the BOCC has also requested that in areas that are prone to flooding have pre- <br />establish relocation site. Audrey explained that new affordable housing plans and projects are underway <br />in order to increase the amount of affordable housing options in the county so residents to not have to <br />relocated outside of the county. An AHAB member requested that the new Homelessness Program <br />Coordinated be invited to the next meeting if possible. <br />Outside Agency Funding Request Applications Review <br />The AHAB reviewed and made funding recommendation for the following outside agencies: <br />