Orange County NC Website
programming for teens. Each group had members from the combined jurisdictions. Also, <br />the groups are working on sharing email/phone contact amongst themselves and they will <br />work to have a point person for each topic. <br />c. Connector hikes. Green spoke of an idea of jumpstarting an inter-park group by organizing <br />a hike from South Orange to Hillsborough. He’d like to do it in mid-September and either <br />camp at Blackwood Farm Park or Millhouse. <br />d. Items from the Council. <br />e. Friends of Orange County Parks and Recreation (FOPR) No updates. There has been <br />no replacement for the presidential position since Khan resigned. <br /> <br />VIII. Adjournment at 8:25pm. <br />Next Meeting: September 7, 2016 (Environment and Ag Center) <br />