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A member suggested perhaps resending a letter that was sent some six months <br />ago related to park plans funding. Bench asked if this letter can be resent and <br />reconsidered by the BOCC. In response to a question, the Council then discussed <br />the budget and the bond referendum components. <br />b. Park Construction Projects for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-17: <br />Projects that did get funded and others that did not were discussed. Participants <br />were given a table that lists projects and the budgeted amount for them with <br />included notes. Green suggested instead of developing the planned Bingham <br />District Park instead gain access to the OWASA-owned lands. <br /> <br />V. Old Business <br />a. Update - Mountains to Sea Trail (MST) <br />Stancil provided an update. After the April 21 meeting, in consultation with the <br />Manager and commissioners, it was decided there should be a facilitator at the <br />future MST meetings to help manage the meetings. Andy Sachs with the Dispute <br />Settlement Center will be the meeting facilitator. Tentatively, September 19 is the <br />likely next meeting. OWASA has been discussing possible conditions if they do <br />allow MST to go along their property. OWASA will again be looking at these <br />conditions on August 25 <br />b. Update - Hollow Rock Nature Park (Grand Opening): The opening event <br />happened in June after a weather delay. The facility is seeing regular daily usage. <br />Bulkley noted that the interior signage along the trails was poor. <br />c. Update- Community Centers (CG Grand Opening): In June the Cedar Grove <br />Community Center had its grand opening. The event attracted at least 150 people. <br />The center is going well and is well organized, with a cedar Grove Neighborhood <br />Association (CGNA) now formed. Efland Cheeks is not as far along at this point. <br />A few of the CGNA board asked if the hours of operation could be moved to later <br />in the day after school opens so it can be used after the typical work day by adults <br />and by children after school. <br />d. Update - Fairview Park Parking Lot: The project is under construction. <br /> <br />VI. Report of the Director (Stancil) <br />a. There was a question from a community member who asked about shade at <br />playgrounds in our parks. Stancil noted there were shade sails at Fairview Park <br />but others may not have shade, though they are often located near wooded areas <br />to achieve some shade. But during midday in the summer most playgrounds are in <br />direct sun. The same resident asked about the potential for spray grounds and <br />spray parks. At present, one is planned for Twin Creeks Park, but this could be a <br />way of meeting water-based recreation needs without a pool. <br />VII. Council and Committee Reports <br />a. Intergovernmental Parks Work Group: No meeting. <br />b. Bench spoke about the joint P&R groups formed from the joint advisory board meeting in <br />March. There were 4 topics selected: Trail and greenway connectivity between <br />jurisdictions; County and municipal partnerships with a focus on the potential Millhouse <br />Road Park; focus on preserving wildlife corridors and riparian buffer; and recreation