Orange County NC Website
FROM: Parks and Recreation Advisory Council <br /> <br />SUBJECT: Monthly Meeting <br /> <br />DATE: April 6, 2016 <br /> <br />LOCATION: Chapel Hill Public Library Meeting Room <br /> <br />____________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Neal Bench; Joel Bulkley; Evelyn Daniel; Michael Dempsey; Allan <br />Green; John Greeson; Tori Williams Reid; Haywood Rhodes; Betty McDade Khan; Rob <br />Robinson; <br /> <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Rachel Massai <br /> <br />STAFF PRESENT: David Stancil; Lynn Hecht; David Caldwell <br />____________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />I. Beginning time of meeting: 6:30. Roll was called. Introductions were made. <br /> <br />II. Meeting Summary (2/3) was approved with no comments from the Council. <br /> <br />III. Report of the Chair (Bench) <br />a. Membership. Siler’s departure from the board leaves an At Large seat open. The <br />board will review applications at the next meeting. Haywood Rhodes and John <br />Greeson have both completed incomplete terms and agreed to allow their names <br />to be put forward for new full first terms. <br /> <br />IV. New Business <br />a. Community Centers Update-David Caldwell. Caldwell spoke of the Rogers Road <br />Community Center and how the County is using that as a model for organizing <br />the Efland Cheeks and (soon to open) Cedar Grove Community Centers. An <br />Orange County Advisory Board will be developed to represent all three <br />community centers, and groups are being formed to help guide each center. There <br />have already been neighborhood meetings in both communities. He described <br />activities that could go on at each center, including library functions at each center <br />with the support of the Orange County Library. A question was raised about how <br />the community groups for the centers were being organized. The Council thanked <br />him for the update. <br />b. Chair/Vice-Chair Elections. Bench nominated Williams Reid for Chair. She <br />agreed to run. Khan seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Bench then <br />nominated Rhodes and Greeson for vice-chair. Rhodes agreed to run with <br />Greeson agreeing to cover if necessary. Khan seconded the motion. All voted in <br />favor. Bench agreed to finish out this meeting as chair with the concurrence of <br />Williams Reid. <br /> <br />V. Old Business