Orange County NC Website
FROM: Parks and Recreation Advisory Council <br /> <br />SUBJECT: Monthly Meeting <br /> <br />DATE: February 3, 2016 <br /> <br />LOCATION: EAC Conference Room <br /> <br />____________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Neal Bench; Joel Bulkley; James Carter; Evelyn Daniel; Michael <br />Dempsey; Allan Green; John Greeson; Tori Williams Reid; Haywood Rhodes; Betty McDade <br />Khan; Rachel Massai; Rob Robinson; <br /> <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Daniel Siler; <br /> <br />LIASON: Annie Jarabeck <br /> <br />STAFF PRESENT: David Stancil; Lynn Hecht <br />____________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />I. Beginning time of meeting: 6:35. Roll was called. Introductions were made. <br /> <br />II. Meeting Summary (12/2) was approved with no comments from the Board. Bulkley <br />asked that Connect NC Bonds be added to the agenda. <br /> <br />III. Report of the Chair (Bench) <br />a. Membership. Daniel Siler is moving to Chatham County, so he will no longer be <br />able to remain on the board. <br />b. Discussion about Chair, Vice-Chair nominations. Elections will be in April. <br />Bench cannot be in his elected position anymore. <br /> <br />IV. New Business <br />a. March 2 Joint Advisory Boards Meeting Agenda. Every two years, all Parks and <br />Recreation Boards have a joint meeting. This is our time to host the meeting. The <br />agenda will cover issues that impact all departments. Bench brought the list of the <br />items discussed at the last joint meeting. The onus on the group is now to set the <br />agenda for that meeting. Two topics were brought forward by Stancil. One is joint <br />funding for future parks. Stancil spoke of splitting up into groups to discuss <br />various topics. Carrboro has much interest in biking. That could be the second <br />topic. Then a meeting debrief. Stancil asked the board for their input from those <br />ideas. Massai asked if this meeting could inpact the OC Master Park Plan. Stancil <br />said it could. McDade pointed out that it wasn’t much time to take care of <br />anything. Green suggested that each department share what they are doing. <br />Maybe ask what are the top three priorities of each department? Massai <br />suggested sharing survey results. Daniel suggested looking at what was the