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about 30 years old. System and level of service will be <br />addressed – these are key components that had to await the <br />County’s park construction efforts from 2003-2011. Another <br />topic is synthetic turf possibilities for playing fields. Type of <br />field surface will be part of what’s reviewed. Another topic <br />suggested was cooperation of joint work like with the <br />SportsPlex. Reid-Williams noted that the PRC will revisit the <br />priorities at the next meeting. The need for a swimming pool <br />is another area of concern. <br /> <br /> V. Old Business <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />a. Draft Facility/Program Consideration Request Form (Att 3) <br />Will revisit in November <br />b. Mountains to Sea Trail (MST) – Update (Attachment 4) <br />Sept 19th a MST community meeting held with facilitator, <br />Andy Sachs, to discuss the SW connection of the MST. <br />Discussion of how the trail can go through the SW part of <br />OC. Late Oct/early Nov, another meeting will be held. <br />c. Headwaters Preserve – Possible Plans <br />Oct 18 BOCC is going to entertain a resolution to take 60 <br />acres of the former Greene Tract and make it a nature <br />preserve to be used as low-impact recreation. The remaining <br />107 acres is jointly owned by County, Chapel Hill and <br />Carrboro. <br /> VI. Report of the Director (Stancil) <br />a. Updates: <br />Fairview parking lot and driveway are on schedule to be <br />ready around Thanksgiving. Sid Peterson and Kyle Talley <br />have been hired as new Recreation Coordinators. Turf grass <br />Manager interviews are in the process. David Caldwell <br />resigned as Community Center Coordinator to take position <br />as Major in Sheriff’s Office, and the department is going to <br />have to fill his spot. Gwen Stephens is our Interim <br />Coordinator. <br /> <br /> VII. Council and Committee Reports <br /> a. Intergovernmental Parks Work Group (Next Meeting 10/12) <br />Daniel has replaced McDade-Khan as PRC representative of <br />this group. <br />b. Items from the Council - Bench coordinated with the groups <br />from the joint meeting topical committees. McDade was at a <br />CG meeting. The community is a bit shell shocked by Mr. Caldwell’s <br />departure. <br />c. Friends of Orange County Parks and Recreation (FOPR) <br /> <br /> <br /> VIII. Adjournment <br />Next Meeting: November 2, 2016 <br />(Chapel Hill Public Library) <br />