Orange County NC Website
a. Mountains to Sea Trail (MST) Planning-Next Steps. We are preparing for our <br />next meeting which may be June 27th working to secure a facilitator, and talking <br />with other experts who would come to the meeting - fire chiefs, land owners, and <br />an attorney. OWASA in the meantime has been developing a possible set of <br />conditions by which they would agree to allow the MST on their lands. A meeting <br />is set for June 23rd during which time the OWASA Board will take public <br />comment. Adriah Hooten, DEAPR’s summer intern, is creating a survey to use <br />with this project. <br />b. Hollow Rock Nature Park-Update. Had to reschedule the grand opening to June 5 <br />due to rain. <br />c. Community Centers-June 1 Plan of Action. Both the Cedar Grove and Efland <br />Cheeks centers opened today on a “soft” basis. On June 18th, at 10:00am, the <br />Cedar Grove Community Center will have a grand opening event. Three seasonal <br />staff members have been hired to complement the full time staff member <br />managing the centers. Eventually, there is the hope to have volunteer staff from <br />those communities to help staff the centers and potentially take over operations of <br />the centers (following the Rogers Road Community Center model.) <br /> <br />VI. Report of the Director (Stancil) <br />a. Updates on various items. The Fishing Rodeo is June 4. There was a successful <br />tree climbing event at Blackwood Farm Park over Memorial Day weekend. CIP <br />and FY 2016-17 budget to be finalized by BOCC June 9th and voted on June 21. <br /> <br />VII. Council and Committee Reports <br />a. Intergovernmental Parks Work Group. No meeting. Khan has been representing the PRC <br />on this committee and now with involvement with the CG Community Center Committee, <br />is asking if someone could replace her. Daniel says she will attend these meetings. <br />b. Items from Council. None. <br />c. Friends of Orange County Parks and Recreation (FOPR) – no report. <br />d. Joint Advisory Board Meeting Committee updates. Bench reported on this. He sent an <br />email out to the chairs and vice chairs of all the boards to get people involved in the <br />Committees formed from that joint meeting. From this, folks are agreeing to be on these <br />Committees. <br /> <br />VIII. Adjournment at _8:10pm <br />No July Meeting <br />Next Meeting: August 3, 2016 (Environment and Ag Center) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />