OUTBoard minutes 121912
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard minutes 121912
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Last modified
2/23/2018 4:50:35 PM
Creation date
2/23/2018 4:50:25 PM
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Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OUTBoard agenda 121912
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Approved 1/16/13 <br />transportation services and operational duties. <br />Pau Guthrie asked that the word planning be removed from number 5 because there will be some operational issues <br />pop up that we should have a legitimate question on. <br />Sam Lasris questioned how that goal could be pursued. <br />Paul Guthrie responded that the OUTBoard should keep its toe in on the implementation of transportation activity <br />which is going to be the big deal down the road and part of it is planning now but as this money begins to kick in <br />between Durham and Orange County, you will start seeing some manifest things. Some of the earliest things are <br />going to be bus service. Routes, structures, and those become key in the long haul because one of the key <br />ingredients of that bus structuring is to build the customer base at certain locations where future transportation of a <br />different mode, more rapid transportation, will be able to have a fixed customer base ready to make a transfer from <br />bus to light rail or commuter rail, etc. <br />Craig Benedict added that when the Commissioners passed 3 resolutions concerning moving forward with the ' /z cent <br />sales tax, they mentioned the rural routes and rural representation of how to tie in to potential east/west route and <br />maybe how to bring in Cedar Grove and Whitecross. I think they are going to be looking to a Board such as this as <br />these monies are put forward to how they can best be spent and how to build the rider base. <br />Alex Castro suggested a language change to number 4- Review of new transportation related technologies and <br />assess suitability for employment to meet transportation requirements within Orange County. For example, smart <br />phones have GPS functions so we can use smart phones to locate a transportation requirement and match it with a <br />transportation source. He referred to another revision that he brought up at the beginning of the meeting: Review the <br />Orange County Master Aging Plan 2012 -2017 Strategies involving transportation and mobility and provide <br />recommendations. Here we have a list of strategies that pertain to transportation and mobility and we as perform <br />transportation planning we can comment on it and come up with suggestions. I think that serves two purposes and <br />shows that we are doing something and we are working with others and advancing something. <br />Craig Benedict: Technologies are good. It took me three and a half years to upgrade the new demand response <br />software and it is still not what I want. I would want the mobile based which is somewhat like the smart phones so <br />there is more mobile technology within the vans. I think in order to be more efficient in the future, and use the <br />technology that is available, I would love an advocate of the OUTBoard and my OPT manager to get into developing <br />a strategic plan of IT, where the needs meets technology. <br />Alex Castro: What I've just brought up is being used. It's already in the initial use in the San Francisco Bay Area. <br />What I am talking about in our case is applying it to the mobility issues of the disabled and seniors in the rural part of <br />the county and see if we can do that. There is a disconnect because the seniors don't have smart phones. We have <br />to do something in that regard but that's the idea I am talking about. <br />Paul Guthrie added that a future topic he would like to discuss is how to integrate private transportation into the <br />systems so it isn't a contention between private and publically sponsored transportation. <br />OUTBoard approved the staff recommendations for the annual work plan with the changes suggested by consensus. <br />AGENDA ITEM VII: PREVIEW OF JANUARY 2013 AGENDA ITEMS: <br />a. Public Hearing Draft of Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) <br />b. Final Draft Safe Routes to School Plan (SRSP) <br />OUTBoard Action: Receive as information <br />Abigaile Pittman advised the members of the public hearing draft of the CTP that is on the NCDOT website and <br />referred the members to the handout. She noted that the environmental maps are not yet posted but hopes to <br />receive them in the next week or so. She gave them some background and informed them that it will go to a public <br />
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