OUTBoard minutes 121813
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard minutes 121813
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Last modified
3/26/2018 1:47:55 PM
Creation date
2/23/2018 4:41:16 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OUTBoard agenda 121813
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Approved 2/19/14 <br />Abigaile Pittman responded that it is not on anyone's job description and that he is right. <br />Alex Castro suggested that it would be worthwhile to have photographs of the road sections mentioned. <br />Jeff Charles noted he planned to do that whenever Chuck Edwards comes to an OUTBoard meeting. <br />Abigaile Pittman reminded the members that Chuck requested an agenda be created prior to setting a date for him to <br />attend a meeting. <br />174 Abigaile Pittman noted that she has an item for that list that relates to schools. She said that there are other schools <br />175 in the district that have minor issues. She suggested the OUTBoard have a survey of those and noted there is one <br />176 elementary school that has a drop off area with a lot of traffic that all it would take is a slip lane at the exit to the right <br />177 so people can get out. She noted there are all these minor issues at schools all over the County that are not <br />178 necessarily on SRTS and staff can go around and evaluate those needs. She advised that it could then be brought <br />179 to the OUTBoard for input and then on up for the BOCC to ask DOT to do something. She added that DOT has <br />180 money to do projects for small things like slip lanes or flashing lights, etc. <br />181 <br />182 Paul Guthrie noted that while it is a good discussion, the County has no jurisdiction on the state road system. The <br />183 building of the lanes was done speedily and was probably not very well inspected. <br />184 <br />185 Jeff Charles responded that DOT was supposed to do Old Greensboro Road with the 2 foot for cyclists and if they <br />186 say they are going to do it, then they should do it. <br />187 <br />188 Paul Guthrie stated that what he's hearing is that the Board would very much like to talk to the district engineer and <br />189 suggested that the members prepare a list of things for discussion and then Abigaile can put in the request. <br />190 <br />191 Alex Castro would like to add to the list the following- study the feasibility of using existing triangle region railway <br />192 infrastructure for commuter rail purposes. He noted that one of the backgrounds on this is the 440 that will be under <br />193 repair for the next three years and one of the ways they are looking to relieve congestion is to use an existing rail link <br />194 from Selma up to Raleigh and putting in temporary commuter rail station along the existing route to take some of the <br />195 commuters off the highway. Alex thinks that could be extended through the triangle region as there is existing rail <br />196 infrastructure that goes right through the RTP and through Hillsborough and a there is a plan to put a station in <br />197 Hillsborough. Alex suggested initiating a study to see what is, what it will take, and then piggyback what DOT is <br />198 doing as they are implementing this already for the 440. <br />199 <br />200 Paul Guthrie noted that he served on the Hillsborough Rail Station Task Force and it was stimulated by Amtrak <br />201 saying it was financially feasible for them to make a stop at Hillsborough. He noted that one of the ideas with the <br />202 Hillsborough station that he would like to see the OUTBoard to query the Town of Hillsborough is where they are in <br />203 that process. He indicated that the station could be used as a hub for bus lines and other forms of transportation. <br />204 <br />205 Alex Castro showed the Orange County Land Use Map and noted the light rail link and the economic development <br />206 zones which is along existing railways. He noted that we have it if we get it worked out. He referred to Northern <br />207 Virginia and they put in commuter rail on existing rail links and it's called Virginia Railway Express and they have <br />208 good ridership. He says that is the idea to address where future development is proposed and see what can be done <br />209 using what is with additional on the margin funding compared to what is being talked about for the LRT. <br />210 <br />211 Alex Castro amended what he suggested earlier to say — Study the feasibility of using existing triangle region railway <br />212 infrastructure for commuter rail purposes as part of a multi -modal transportation system. <br />213 <br />214 Motion made by Alex Castro to approve the report to the County Commissioners as amended. Seconded by Jeff <br />215 Charles <br />216 Vote: Unanimous <br />217 <br />218 AGENDA ITEM VI: STAFF UPDATES <br />219 a. Notes from the NCDOT luncheon meeting <br />
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