Orange County NC Website
Approved 9/18/13 <br />Bret Martin: It is for bike /ped projects. Those over a million dollars, that doesn't apply. Those that are over a million <br />dollars are submitted as highway projects, and they will not score well enough to be funded. <br />Jeff Charles: Unless we change regionally the way we rank projects in the system. <br />Alex Castro: The costs that will no longer be borne by the DOT, what percentage are we talking of a contract? <br />Bret Martin: That depends on the projects. <br />Alex Castro: 5% to 10% might be a good figure. <br />Bret Martin: (Continued presentation). <br />Paul Guthrie: Do you have an opinion of how the NC 86 North project would rank? <br />Bret Martin: I don't think that is in their system. I know it is a strategic highway. <br />Abigail Pittman: I don't believe it was every scored. <br />Bret Martin: There is a widening project that has been submitted for NC 86 at the intersection of NC 57. That project <br />will actually rank a little lower. Next month we will come to you with other projects from TARPO and DCHC, and <br />TARPO has already indicated that if we do not have a local match for bike /ped projects under one million dollars that <br />we are not to submit those projects. <br />Jeff Charles: Basically the BOCC has to put a new line item in the budget specifically for bike /ped matching funds? <br />Bret Martin: Yes. Some local government in Orange County has to pay. <br />Jeff Charles: Basically rural Orange County projects will go by the wayside. <br />Jeff Miles: How does transit fit into this? <br />199 Bret Martin: Our transit system will not be that affected by this. <br />200 <br />201 Paul Guthrie: Numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 are basically correlations with the interstate highway access and to the east the <br />202 future industrial zone which has Orange County implications. My personal opinion is that I see no problem with <br />203 particular projects. If they don't make this on any state list, at least three could be justified on necessary <br />204 improvements to the interstate highway system. <br />205 <br />206 Bret Martin: The last project on Lebanon Road is to construct four foot bicycle lanes, that is likely over a million <br />207 dollars so it would need to be submitted as a highway project. <br />208 <br />209 Jeff Charles: Take if off the list. <br />210 <br />211 Abigail Pittman: There is a potential new elementary school site related to this project. <br />212 <br />213 Jeff Charles: That is fine. <br />214 <br />215 Motion made to approve the recommended projects in the Burlington- Graham Metropolitan Planning Area as listed <br />216 and proposed by staff. Seconded by Jeff Charles. <br />217 <br />218 Vote: Unanimous <br />219 <br />220 AGENDA ITEM V: STAFF UPDATES <br />