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Approved 6/19/13 <br />166 systems and other transportation providers in the region remain eligible for certain federal funds. Abigaile noted this <br />167 plan is required by law in order to get federal funds and is needed to identify the specific areas of need for individuals <br />168 with disabilities, seniors, and low income. <br />169 <br />170 Alex Castro advised that he will be attending and will put together a report for the OUTBoard. <br />171 <br />172 Abigaile Pittman updated the OUTBoard regarding the Eno EDD Access Management Plan that she will be heading <br />173 up and noted the plan will provide better transportation system and capacities to serve the US 70 and Hwy 10 area. <br />174 Staff will be asking approval to move forward at the May 7 BOCC meeting. Abigaile noted she anticipates that the <br />175 OUTBoard will review that plan in September and make comments for the BOCC. <br />176 <br />177 AGENDA ITEM VII: UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS OF INTEREST ON OTHER REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION RELATED <br />178 BOARD AGENDAS: <br />179 OUTBoard Action: Receive information as handout. <br />180 <br />181 Abigaile Pittman gave the OUTBoard handouts to review at their convenience. <br />182 <br />183 Jeff Charles asked about coordinating with Durham City /County planning for connectivity in bike plans. <br />184 <br />185 Abigaile Pittman will look into that and get back to Jeff. <br />186 <br />187 AGENDA ITEM VIII: LISTING OF ITEMS FOR APRIL 17, 2013 MEETING <br />188 OUTBoard Action: Receive information <br />189 <br />190 Abigaile Pittman advised the OUTBoard that a transportation planner has been hired to fill the vacancy created when <br />191 Darcy Zorio left to take a job at Triangle Transit. His name is Bret Martin and he will start on May 201h and will attend <br />192 the May OUTBoard meeting. <br />193 <br />194 The OUTBoard moved, seconded and unanimously approved to change the May OUTBoard meeting from <br />195 Wednesday, May 151h to Wednesday, May 22nd. <br />196 <br />197 AGENDA ITEM IX: BOARD COMMENTS <br />198 OUTBoard Action: Receive comments <br />199 <br />200 AGENDA ITEM X: ADJOURNMENT <br />201 <br />202 The meeting was adjourned by consensus. <br />203 <br />204 Items for future meetings: <br />205 <br />206 • Send Jeff Charles the recommend route to be used as an alternative to St. Mary's Road <br />207 • Bring the Bike Maps to the May meeting <br />208 <br />209 <br />Paul Guthrie, Chair <br />