Orange County NC Website
<br />North Carolina <br />According to Census 2000, North Carolina has a population of 8,049,313. A little over five <br />percent (5%) of the population is foreign-born. Eighty-two percent (82%) of the foreign-born five <br />years and over, speak a language other than English at home in North Carolina.. Of those who <br />spoke languages other than English at home; 50%spoke Spanish, 14%spoke Asian and Pacific <br />Island languages, 13%spoke other Indo-European languages, and 4%spoke other languages. <br />Among the foreign-born in North Carolina who speak languages other than English at home 36% <br />speak English "very well", 22%well, while 16%speak English "not at all." Nineteen percent <br />(19%) of the foreign-born in North Carolina live in poverty and among those, 10%were citizens <br />and 22%were non-citizens. <br />Orange County <br />Orange County had a population of 118,000 according to Census 2000,. Four and one half <br />percent (4..5%) of the population was Latino or Hispanic and 4,1%were Asian,. Nine percent (9%) <br />of the County population is foreign-born, Eleven percent (11%) of the total population spoke a <br />language other than English at home, At last count, 19% of Spanish speaking households were <br />linguistically isolated and 340 of Asian Pacific Islander households were linguistically isolated. <br />Orange County had an overall poverty rate of 14% and 13% of foreign-born were poor, Of those, <br />12%were naturalized citizens and 88%were not citizens. <br />Title VI <br />Government and the legal structure are currently in the process of adjusting to meet <br />the changing reality of the nation's demographics, Part of this adjustment, has <br />created increased emphasis on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 particularly Title VI of the <br />Act, <br />