Orange County NC Website
<br />Proficient -Adequate to interact professionally with and provide services to Spanish <br />speaking clients. <br />Fluent - Completely able to interact professionally with and provide services to Spanish <br />speaking clients. These individuals are most often native speakers, <br />Demographics <br />As the United States becomes more ethnically and racially diverse, local governments face <br />growing challenges in serving LEP communities. Local governments across the country are <br />trying to determine how to effectively ensure access to adequate language assistance <br />services. <br />According to the U,S, Census, North Carolina's population grew 21%from 6,6 million in <br />1990 to mare than 8 million in 2000, North Carolina is one of the fastest growing states in <br />terms of immigrant communities; the fastest growing community is the Latino community <br />increasing by 394%, followed by the Asian Pacific Islander communities increasing by 128 <br />from 1990- 2000, In 2004, according to the latest report of the Frank Hawkins Kenan <br />Institute of Private Enterprise, North Carolina's Hispanic population totaled 600,913, or 7% <br />of North Carolina's total population. <br />United States <br />According to Census 2000, the United States has a population of 281,421,906, Eleven <br />percent (11%) of the total population was foreign-born, Eighty- three percent (83%) of <br />the foreign-born five years old and older spoke a language other than English at home, <br />including 52% who spoke Spanish, 21% who spoke other Indo-European languages, 22% <br />who spoke Asian and Pacific Island languages, and 4% who spoke other languages. <br />Among the foreign-born at the national level, 38% reported speaking English "very well", <br />26% "well," 23% "not well," and 12% "not at all, <br />