Orange County NC Website
Approved 4/16/14 <br />than it was when it previously failed. The state has changed their prioritization of projects for transportation money <br />with Strategic Transportation investments. It is a new strategic approach geared to economic development, not what <br />the LRT would do. State money is not likely. If Federal money is also not likely, the project is probably a no -go. If <br />they are both not likely, which I think is going to be the case, then it is definitely a no -go. We are going to throw this <br />money out and my perspective, coming from the senior population; we will not see a single rider until the whole <br />system is built out. <br />Bret Martin: There is a whole lot of upfront cost that goes into project development and planning before you even <br />know if the project is going to get funded, so if it doesn't get funded that was a waste and that is true. <br />Jeff Charles: I want to see a light rail here eventually but I am wondering whether the timetable that has been <br />established, that front loads the $30 million, if that could be made 20 or 30 percent longer to free up additional funds <br />for what we really need now, which is this stuff (bus routes). <br />Bret Martin: I am working with what I have got. <br />Abigaile Pittman: We are a tied to this implementation agreement that was agreed to by all the parties. We have to <br />implement what is under the agreement. <br />Jeff Charles: We are being asked to approve a resolution. Does the plan you presented provide an equitable use of <br />the half -cent sales tax mentioned two paragraphs above? And the seven - dollar registration tax? <br />Bret Martin: The OC BRIP is the financial plan per the law. <br />Alex Castro: Is it stipulated that it has to be distributed according to the formula and TTA cannot apply them for <br />something else? <br />Jeff Charles: They have already planned to fund the $6 million dollars over x number of years. One hundred percent <br />of excess funds accumulated should be passed through to the county for the bus system or other uses. <br />Bret Martin: The Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan is the overarching policy guide for all this and this bus <br />expansion program is specific to OPT implementation details. It is true that the assumption was changed that the <br />revenue projections would not grow by 3.6% per year. It was revised upward to 4.4% per year, which creates <br />additional revenue beyond what was originally projected. That difference creates a total of $60 million extra funds. <br />On the other side the expenditures have changed. The plan originally called for the capital purchases of buses, <br />amenities, park and rides, etc. and for there to be an 80% federal share and 10% state share. That was a dangerous <br />assumption. That figure has been revised to 30% federal and 5% state. The idea is that the additional revenue <br />would be soaked up by the fact that more local expenditures would be used to pay for the capital purchases. I <br />calculated the capital purchases will only cost (with the 30% federal 5% state shares) about $18 million dollars. <br />There is $42 million dollars unaccounted for by TTA. We need to know where the rest of the money will be spent. <br />Jeff Charles: Don't we need that information to talk about this resolution. <br />Abigail Pittman: This is the initial years with the initial money. <br />Paul Guthrie: Why do you need this resolution now? <br />Bret Martin: The BOCC will see this in March and will be asked to approve the program in April or early May and <br />they would like a recommendation. <br />Paul Guthrie: I have many of the same questions about the resolution. On one hand, I think we could come to <br />agreement on the concept of these routes. Whether that is an equitable distribution of the proceeds to TTA or not, I <br />am not sure we have enough information to know that and yet this resolution basically slams the door on that <br />discussion. <br />