OUTBoard minutes 111815
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard minutes 111815
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Last modified
3/26/2018 11:29:38 AM
Creation date
2/23/2018 4:22:38 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OUTBoard agenda 111815
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange Unified Transportation Board\Agendas\2015
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160 <br />161 Peter Murphy replied that this meeting venue is perfect for that. He noted that departments meet and discuss <br />162 transportation but OPT is not present at those meetings and often does not get the feedback they need. <br />163 <br />164 Meredith McMonigle noted that they are working with those that use and need the services, and working <br />165 together to address some of these needs and barriers is important. <br />166 <br />167 Peter Murphy agreed. <br />168 <br />169 Abigaile Pittman suggested it would be a good subject for a follow -up special meeting. <br />170 <br />171 REGULAR AGENDA <br />172 <br />173 AGENDA ITEM 6: STAFF UPDATES <br />174 <br />175 OUTBOARD INPUT FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' ANNUAL PLANNING RETREAT <br />176 Discussion and completion of the activities and emerging issues lists for 2016, to be <br />177 included in the BOCC Annual Planning Retreat Input Form. <br />178 OUTBoard Action: Review, comment and recommend the activities and emerging <br />179 issues lists for 2106, to be included in the BOCC Annual Planning Retreat Input <br />180 Form. <br />181 <br />182 Abigaile Pittman reviewed the annual work plan and focus for next year. <br />183 <br />184 Heidi Perry related that she was under the impression from the Commissioners that the Board could add things <br />185 to the agenda that they want to study for the year and that it didn't have to come from the BOCC. <br />186 <br />187 Abigaile Pittman asked if she was talking about bicycle safety. <br />188 <br />189 Heidi Perry referred to the language that says if directed by the BOCC and elaborated that her understanding <br />190 from them was that they can actually add topics the Board wants to address or study. <br />191 <br />192 Abigaile Pittman responded that bicycle safety is addressed under the emerging issues section of the input <br />193 report because staff has not yet received specific direction from the BOCC, but expects that will happen in 2016. <br />194 <br />195 Heidi Perry asked about the BOCC's request for additional work on bicycle safety. <br />196 <br />197 Abigaile Pittman continued, stating that the BOCC asked staff to return to them with a recommendation about <br />198 creating a task force versus subcommittee, and what staff recommends the charge would be and how to <br />199 proceed in operating, and what level of staff involvement is needed. This will be happening early next year, after <br />200 the holiday break. <br />201 <br />202 Alex Castro asked if that is not part of the last page that asks what are the concerns. <br />203 <br />204 Abigaile Pittman responded that it is an item that hasn't become a fully developed staff project yet but they think <br />205 it is moving in that direction. <br />206 <br />207 Alex Castro asked about signage for bus stops. <br />208 <br />209 Peter Murphy replied that they have been adding stops and on the signs they have added it includes the bus <br />210 schedules, what routes it serves and if it is served by multiple routes. At present for the circulator routes they <br />211 have signs up at 16 of the 23 stops. Some are missing poles and they have been ordered. He thinks they will <br />212 all be up within a couple of weeks and then they will work on the new routes. <br />
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