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J~7 <br />said that she might be referring to the Summer Youth Leadership Development Institute or <br />Youth Voices. She said that Sharon Hinton and Cooperative Extension put this together. About <br />three years ago a challenge grant came from the Triangle United Way that had particular <br />interest in doing something for youth from the central and northern end of the County. The <br />challenge grant (approximately $10,000) was used for the first summer youth program. This <br />program grew to become a construct of the Manager's office, Cooperative Extension, Human <br />Rights and Relations, and Recreation and Parks. They will be entering the 4~h summer of this <br />program and they bring in 15 youth, and they would like to expand this. <br />.lohn Link said that the whole issue of a structure for youth has been around since 1992 <br />when there was a Youth Summit at Orange High School. The outcome of that was that a Youth <br />Coordinator was requested.. He said that they have some new players trying to address youth <br />needs such as the Boys and Girls Club in Orange County and the Sportsplex, He thinks the <br />County needs to continue to focus on youth services in some farm. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that it seems that the looming unresolved issues are not <br />looming anymore and they are not where they were four years ago. She would like to <br />determine how to better use resources that are now available, add more to the outcomes, and <br />take away from the unresolved issues. <br />Commissioner Gordon supported what Commissioner Foushee said and said that this is <br />a good chance to update what they have done for youth services. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that they need to be careful because the seniors get <br />concerned and upset when they hear about the Sportsplex becoming the end all to solve all <br />juvenile issues and youth services problems. They may need to do something to meet the <br />youth needs, but not at the cost of the seniors. <br />Chair Jacobs said that part of the tension was the talk of the seniors sharing space with <br />the children. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the timing is important since the seniors will probably be <br />there in the day and the youth would be there later on in the day. <br />Chair Jacobs made reference to the Joint Master Aging Plan and said that it relates to <br />the strategic plan for the Health Department, Recreation and Parks, and the strategic plan for <br />janitorial services. He read from the document, as follows: "Need for additional senior center <br />staff, operate the new senior centers. Both centers will be larger, have expanded use hours, <br />and have computerized facility management and registration." He wants to put a number to all <br />of this because it sounds like someone is assuming that this is all a done deal. John Link would <br />like to put a number to this also. <br />Chair Jacobs said that he wants to be careful about asking volunteers to raise money for <br />County functions, publications, or signage. He said that it is unreasonable to ask senior citizens <br />to raise money for a County publication, John Link said that he has checked this out with staff, <br />and there will not be any further staff encouraging seniors or other volunteers to raise money.. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he asked about the publication coordination because <br />he saw it being done. He wants a report back on all of the publications that County government <br />is engaged in, the publication budget, and whether the County is being efficient in <br />communications, He suggested having some scrolling information on TV. <br />Chair Jacobs said that they could with, the school systems, jointly produce publications <br />and possibly get a better price from someone who does the printing. <br />Gwen Harvey said that she followed up into using DTCC and printing options. She <br />spoke with Wendy Wallace, VP for Publications, and they do two types of publications and they <br />have a cost effective relationship with two vendors in Durham. <br />Chair Jacobs asked Social Services Director Nancy Coston about the Workfirst Annual <br />Report and the concerns about federal cuts. He asked her to track what the federal cuts are <br />