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31 <br />Craig Benedict said that he could bring the plan back in May at the public hearing or <br />another time, He made reference to competing with the private sector and said that these types <br />of agreements have been put together throughout the state and they are promoting public safety <br />and usage. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked where the free market comes into play here. He said that <br />there is na incentive for providers to put towers in areas where they are not going to make <br />money. He said that he heard a story recently that someone with a lot of money did not Tike the <br />cell phone tower that was in the view of his estate and got the company to take it down and <br />people now cannot have service in that area. He heard this from a citizen last week, but he <br />cannot verify it. <br />Craig Benedict said that the industry is looking for Tower towers and they are attaching <br />them to silos and other structures. He said that he would get the team together, along with <br />John Link and Geof Gledhill, get the information together on the Master Telecommunications <br />Plan, and bring it back to the Board. <br />Regarding the cost, Craig Benedict said that a consultant could represent the County <br />based on a percentage of revenue or a flat rate of approximately $5,000-10,000. <br />Commissioner Carey said that this is an example of a priority that got lost. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the Recreation and Parks tab and said. that <br />the last Recreation and Parks Plan was 1988.. She said that the parks element would be <br />updated as part of the comprehensive plan.. She would like to at least get an update to the <br />payment-in-lieu system. <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Director Dave Stancil said that the Recreation <br />and Parks Plan is certainly in need of updating. One thing that the staff has discussed is <br />creating, in the interim, an addendum to the 1988 parks plan that would allow them to <br />incorporate the reports that were generated in the Tate 1990's and add the New Mope Rustic <br />Woodland Trail, wildlife corridors, etc.. This might be a doable interim project to help get the <br />plan up to speed until the entire plan is updated. <br />.lohn Link said that Dave Stancil and other County Commissioners have discussed other <br />major park areas in Bingham and in the north central part of the County. One of the elements <br />under is discussion is whether the County Commissioners want to continue the path that was <br />started in 1988, because this plan had some controversy attached to it. This is a budgetary <br />item because there is a challenge now to properly staff and operate the current parks. He said <br />that there would have to be same other source of revenue that is not competing directly with the <br />rest of the operating budget,. <br />Dave Stancil said that they have talked about trying to look at long-term revenue <br />streams. <br />Commissioner Gordon would like to do something to recognize the new parks and <br />elevate the service level. <br />Craig Benedict said that he and Dave Stancil hired a consultant about four years ago to <br />look at the payment-in-lieu issue. The fee right now is for unincorporated areas in the County. <br />The consultant suggested that when the bond money shakes out and the development of parks <br />unfolds, that they should contact him again and he would analyze what level of service the <br />County is aiming for with the monies that the County has committed. <br />Chair Jacobs said that there is also a strategic plan for the Recreation and Parks <br />department. He said that he was thinking about this last night when they were listening to the <br />list of 100 units that have been proposed or approved around Mebane that are in Orange <br />County. A lot of those impacts are never recovered from any kind of fee, but this is one area <br />where maybe they can be. <br />