Orange County NC Website
~5 <br />next elementary school, which looks to be 2008-09, and that this should be footnoted on the <br />forms until then. <br />Craig Benedict said that the looming issue related to this is school impact fees. He asked at <br />what point the Board of County Commissioners would be interested in reexamining impact fees, <br />There are over 1,400 units coming online in Mebane.. The impact fee schedule is from 2001 <br />and it is using construction standards from the 1990's. He said that this could be added as one <br />of the potential expenses for the budget because a consultant might be needed or the attorney <br />could address it. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the Econarnic Development Commission funded a Cost of <br />Community Service Study, which revealed just what they thought it would reveal -whether <br />residential growth pays for itself or whether it keeps the County in a deficit. <br />Geof Gledhill said that the impact fee ordinance itself requires an annual technical update.. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked about the estimated costs for an update and Donna Dean <br />said that the last one was $56,000. <br />21) Revision of school construction standards: <br />Chair Jacobs said that the school collaboration group agreed to take this on and is meeting <br />on February 13`h, <br />24-25) Solid waste contract with Alamance County for use of their landfill and pursue <br />municipal solid waste talks with Alamance County: <br />There is a meeting with the Chair and Vice-Chair of Alamance County for lunch on January <br />3151. <br />26) Retain or adequately replace NC 57 Solid Waste Convenience Center: <br />Chair Jacobs said that he talked with the Mayor and one of the Town Commissioners last <br />night, and the sooner they can develop a map that shows where all of the houses are in relation <br />to the Public Works property and the possible sites, the better. <br />Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam .)ones said that Roy Wilkerson visited her <br />office yesterday and said that he is willing to extend the lease for $500 a month with a 60-day <br />notice clause -both the County to him and him to the County. This will be on the agenda <br />sometime in February. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the issue is, they have now stirred up a hornet's nest in Fairview and <br />they still need the map. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he had asked staff if they knew where consumers who use <br />this center were coming from -north or south.. He asked that this information also include how <br />many Hillsborough residents also use this site. This would be important to know in talking with <br />Hillsborough. <br />27) Resolve issues regarding land clearing debris landfills: <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that they are continuing to work with this, because it is an <br />issue.. He wants to work with a proactive approach, in the event there should be another <br />Hurricane Fran. There has to he an area that the County can utilize to deal with debris. A small <br />group met last week and told the Manager and Assistant Manager to look at other ways of <br />approaching this.. For example, a farmer with some extra land could be paid so much a year as <br />a retainer to reserve 30 acres of space if it is needed for debris.. <br />Chair Jacobs said that the other part is land-clearing debris from subdivisions. Staff is <br />looking for a site to put a park and have this all-organic decomposition facility. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked how big this site would be and Dave Stancil said about 120 <br />acres.. <br />