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a~ <br />14) Implement the Water Resources Initiative: <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the Board adopted this last May, but it has not been <br />implemented. She wants to concentrate on things that will help the citizens. <br />Commissioner Carey said that this is an initiative that cuts across many stakeholder groups <br />and they all need to play a role. <br />John Link said that the most recent statement on this is in the blue book under Resources <br />Protection and Development, and the goal is Water Resource Quantity and Quality. There will <br />be a short-term working group that he will be leading on this issue. <br />Chair Jacobs asked about the statement on the back of this goal page that reads: "The <br />Planning Board would like to participate in the process of how policies are implemented through <br />land use regulations that are part of their regulatory review during subdivisions, special use <br />permits, and rezonings," He asked what this means. Planning Director Craig Benedict said that <br />the Planning Board is concerned about rural subdivisions and what the water resource impact <br />is. They are concerned that some ideas might be promulgated in other departments, which will <br />end up in their lap to implement.. They just want to be part of any early thought process on how <br />this affects development, <br />15) Decision on options to use in updating Comprehensive Land Use Plan: <br />There is a schedule on making these decisions and receiving public input. <br />16) Accelerate Transfer of Development Rights discussions: <br />Chair Jacobs said that they have a table from the Planning Director with costs attached.. He <br />said that they only empowered the task force to research the feasibility and not implement it. <br />John Link said that their inclination of going with the people from UNG-Charlotte was that <br />they were willing to approach it from a feasibility perspective and then the Board would make a <br />decision from the information on whether to go forward, Other vendors made the assumption <br />upfront that the Board wanted to pursue TDR. <br />Commissioner Carey asked about the timing for the last phase. Craig Benedict said that it <br />could unfold within four to six months,. The cost would be $4Q-60,000. <br />17) Devote more attention to rural activity nodes, non-conforming uses: <br />Chair Jacobs said that this is happening in two different places -Planning and Economic <br />Development. He wants to make sure that they are coordinated. The EDC group may have a <br />different take on this than Planning. <br />18) Meet with Durham Economic Development District owners and Durham elected <br />officials: <br />Chair Jacobs said that they met with the owners on December 29"' and the minutes should <br />be coming soon. There is a tentative date to meet with the Durham elected officials at the end <br />of February. He made reference to the goals, Cooperative Agreements-Durham, and said that <br />the standards are dysfunctional. This is a key unresolved issue for him. He said that the EDDs <br />in Efland/Mebane and Durham need to have standards at the same level of simplicity and <br />predictability as Hillsborough's EDD. He wants to make sure that this moves forward.. <br />20) Bring closure to school capacity issues for SAPFO: <br />Commissioner Carey said that the collaboration group did something and Rod Visser said <br />that this item is on the agenda for January 24'h. <br />Rod Visser said that at the collaboration meeting on November 10`h, it was a consensus <br />among the Chairs, Vice-Chairs, Manager, and Superintendents that the best approach to take is <br />to signal the intent to move to the lower class size standards effective with the opening of the <br />