OUTBoard minutes 081716
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard minutes 081716
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3/26/2018 10:59:26 AM
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2/23/2018 4:13:49 PM
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OUTBoard agenda 081716
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange Unified Transportation Board\Agendas\2016
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Approved 9/21/2016 <br />157 <br />158 AGENDA ITEM 5: REGULAR OUTBOARD AGENDA: NO ITEMS <br />159 <br />160 <br />161 AGENDA ITEM 6: STAFF UPDATES <br />162 <br />163 6.A. NCDOT DIVISION 7 TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS LOCATED IN THE DURHAM - CHAPEL HILL - CARRBORO <br />164 METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (DCHC MPO) PLANNING AREA. (MAX BUSHELL) <br />165 <br />166 6.8. ADDITION OF WAKE COUNTY TO THE RENAMED TRIANGLE TAX DISTRICT AND APPROVAL OF THE WAKE COUNTY <br />167 TRANSIT PLAN AND MULTIPARTY INTERLOCAL TRANSIT AGREEMENT (ABIGAILE PITTMAN) <br />168 <br />169 6.C. 07/11/2016,08/01/2016, AND 08/092016 MEETINGS OF THE BICYCLE SAFETY TASK FORCE (HEIDI PERRY, JEFF <br />170 CHARLES) <br />171 <br />172 6.D. 07/12/2016 ORANGE COUNTY / NCDOT MEETING (ABIGAILE PITTMAN) <br />173 <br />174 Max Bushell reviewed item 6a. <br />175 <br />176 Abigaile Pittman reviewed item 6b. <br />177 <br />178 Heidi Perry asked if they had passed the transit tax. She was informed the voting would be in November. Abigaile <br />179 Pittman advised that their focus is primarily on commuter rail and rapid bus. There was discussion back and forth <br />180 about this and some confusion so Abigaile offered to send out a power point presentation that was given yesterday at <br />181 the Burlington /Graham meeting. <br />182 <br />183 Jeff Charles was concerned about this being pushed back further and further to the future instead of working on it <br />184 now. Max Bushell that the plan is saying that it's the looking forward plan and once it's passed and funding is secured <br />185 they'll do the projects that are feasible and begin conversation about the other projects that require regional <br />186 coordination. Abigaile Pittman added that simply put, the jurisdictional agreement is we govern ourselves and they <br />187 govern themselves and we don't mix funds. <br />188 <br />189 Abigaile Pittman spoke about item 6c. <br />190 <br />191 Jeff Charles suggested that they may need an additional meeting or two to accomplish everything. Heidi Perry would <br />192 like to get something to the Board of County Commissions (BOCC) before they begin their budget work for the next <br />193 fiscal cycle in February 2017. Abigaile Pittman advised the Board of the new funding request form. <br />194 <br />195 Abigaile Pittman spoke briefly about item 6d. <br />196 <br />197 Jeff Charles asked about the funding on bicycle infrastructure. Abigaile Pittman explained that there are funds out <br />198 there but because of current funding criteria, they are targeted to urban settings and highway projects. She also <br />199 mentioned a recent request from Nancy Baker and from Amy Cole to Craig Benedict for an update on the Safe <br />200 Routes to School Plan, specifically, a project that the Walkable Hillsborough group could do. She informed the Board <br />201 that that an information item is going to be on the September 6 BOCC agenda and that she can send it out to them <br />202 once it clears pre- agenda review process. <br />203 <br />204 Alex Castro was still very concerned about the Safe Routes to School Plan and how it doesn't seem to have enough <br />205 importance to get it implemented. He said the Orange Grove Road over 1 -40 doesn't have a pedestrian bridge and <br />206 there are kids walking along it. There was a lot of discussion regarding the Safe Routes to School Plan and how to <br />207 get the issues addressed and resolved. <br />208 <br />I <br />
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