Orange County NC Website
Approved 11/15/17 <br />156 Alex Castro asked if the model is just used by the region. <br />157 <br />158 Andy Henry confirmed this. He said that there is a statewide model but it just does the main roads. Regions use the <br />159 statewide model to help inform the goings -on outside of the model area regarding trends and changes. <br />160 <br />161 Heidi Perry asked if Mr. Henry has looked at previous projections to see how they played out. <br />162 <br />163 Andy Henry said that he had not done this but that an intern could help with this sort of research. He continued his <br />164 presentation and discussed conclusions from the alternatives. He said that Orange County will continue to have brisk <br />165 employment growth and will attract employers and commuters from the outlying counties. The alternatives show <br />166 significant improvements in travel in the "no build" scenario, but there is still quite a bit of congestion. Travel time will <br />167 increase even with roadway improvements beyond the budget. The alternatives applied to the model include <br />168 improvements to highway and transit projects, more than is allocated in the budget, but congestion would still not <br />169 come down to today's levels. Mr. Henry discussed the next part in the presentation and said that in regard to transit <br />170 investments in light rail on a regional level, sometimes it is hard to detect movement in mode share. A closer look to <br />171 areas around rail and transit lines and rail stations shows that there are significant mode shifts, especially in walking <br />172 and biking (increase 3 or 4 times). This can get deluded in performance measures for the whole region, but <br />173 investment in specific areas makes a big difference. <br />174 <br />175 Alex Castro asked about how "non- motorized" was defined. Light rail and other transit have motors. <br />176 <br />177 Andy Henry clarified that non - motorized refers to bicycling and walking. The reason he used this language was <br />178 because the model does not distinguish the two. He will take this wording out in future presentations and just say <br />179 walking and bicycling and refer to pedestrians. He continued with his presentation and discussed high density and <br />180 mixed land uses in rail station areas increases non - motorized modes and increases travel time. He said that when <br />181 the team ran different alternatives with a more intense land use — "aim high" - and the same transportation network, <br />182 the "aim high" had improvements across the board with less congestion and fewer miles traveled, better mode shift to <br />183 bicycling and walking. <br />184 <br />185 Alex Castro asked how multi -modal journeys were considered as an element. Is the last mile and first mile types of <br />186 approach used? For example, Heidi might bike to the train station, put her bike on the train, when she gets there, she <br />187 goes back on a bike. <br />188 <br />189 Andy Henry said that he is not sure but there sometimes performance measures will count each mode and in some <br />190 ways, only the main travel mode will be counted. He said that Mr. Castro makes a good point that there is a <br />191 difference in multi - modal. This dynamic works with number of trips as well. If someone drives to a transit station, gets <br />192 on transit, and gets off and walks, there are 3 modes and 3 trips. <br />193 <br />194 Heidi Perry asked if driving to the transit station counts as a mode. <br />195 <br />196 Andy Henry answered that usually transit is just counted but that the drive is counted in other ways as different trips. <br />197 <br />198 Art Menius asked if Mr. Henry had maps for the 4 alternatives. <br />199 <br />200 Andy Henry replied that he does and noted a link to a webpage (bottom of the page, end of presentation) for the MTP <br />201 which shows the interactive maps in the deficiency analysis. There are also maps in the alternatives section. <br />202 <br />203 Heidi Perry said that she had a question regarding the way transit is counted. If a person drives to a transit station, <br />204 the presumption is that the person will get on transit, likely the bus. If this travel is only counted for transit, is it not a <br />205 false statement that this travel frees -up traffic on the road? Are cars being counted as cars? <br />206 <br />I <br />