Orange County NC Website
PREPARED 9/12/06 <br />SOCCER FIELD DEVELOPMENT STATUS <br />• Soccer field development in Orange County is moving forward at an increasing pace now <br />that master planning has taken place and funding has been provided for a variety of <br />projects. <br />• Completed projects involving County funding include: Smith Middle School lighting (2), <br />Efland-Cheeks lighting, Scroggs Elementary, field. <br />• Three fields at Southern Community Park in Chapel Hill will be under construction within <br />the next months. <br />• Projects at Northern Human Services Center and Twin Creeks (4) are in the final design <br />phase. <br />• West Ten Soccer Center (5-6) is planned, but not yet fully funded. <br />• $1,350,000 has been allocated for the West Ten project from the Soccer Superfund, The <br />remaining $650,000 from this fund was set aside for Twin Creeks Park, <br />• An additional $350,000 was allocated from 2/3 net debt reduction bond funding for West <br />Ten. Currently, with expenditures for the purchase of the property, pre-grading and utility <br />improvements to the site, $733,168 remains in the West Ten Soccer Center account. <br />• Recently, staff has been encouraged by initial dialogue with a potential partner entity, <br />with whom apublic/private pilot partnership could be explored. A proposal was submitted <br />to this entity in mid August.. Staff has not received confirmation or further communication <br />on this matter to date, but remains optimistic. <br />• Within the next week, applications will be available for apre-grant application for funds <br />from the lJS Soccer Foundation. Staff is poised to submit necessary materials for this <br />application, The maximum award in this program is $200,000, <br />• Should funding above the current allocation of $733,000 be unavailable in the near term, <br />it would be possible to move forward with the project in an initial phase, Consulting <br />engineers estimate that two fields without lighting could be completed with the funds <br />currently available. <br />