OUTBoard minutes 081617
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard minutes 081617
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2/23/2018 4:04:13 PM
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OUTBoard agenda 081617
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Approved 9/20/2017 <br />158 Peter Murphy continued the presentation. He said that Staff will be working on the CTS software upgrade. It took a <br />159 long time for sign -offs on the software review but everything has been approved. This upgrade includes the addition <br />160 of a Medicaid batch - filling module which goes along with EMT Medicaid billing and will cut down on steps. Staff put <br />161 in for a grant to cover the cost of this module, which NCDOT awarded to the department at 100 percent. The <br />162 department will begin doing its billing through NC Tracks. <br />163 <br />164 Ted Triebel asked who submitted the grant. <br />165 <br />166 Peter Murphy answered that Staff submitted the grant application. <br />167 <br />168 Ted Triebel said that the department ought to be commended for that. Good job. <br />169 <br />170 Peter Murphy thanked him. <br />171 <br />172 Jenn Sykes asked if there is still funding in the budget for part time help with Medicaid billing and the software. <br />173 <br />174 Theo Letman answered that no, they are going to work on it with the staff they have but hope to have assistance <br />175 next year. <br />176 <br />177 Alex Castro asked about maintenance and if the department works within other Orange County departments on <br />178 mechanic issues. How does this work? <br />179 <br />180 Theo Letman answered that Orange County Motor Pool maintains their vehicles. They are in -line with EMS vehicles <br />181 and Sheriff's Department vehicles. This is a limited service. The department also does outside service repair. Many <br />182 of their vehicles are still under warranty or towards the end of the warranty period, so these vehicles are often <br />183 serviced by dealerships and other maintenance shops. <br />184 <br />185 Alex Castro asked if the department has enough spare vehicles to help maintain operations if there is a major <br />186 maintenance issue. <br />187 <br />188 Theo Letman answered that they have a slight spare ratio for keeping the maximum amount of vehicles on the <br />189 road, but it is challenging, especially during the summer when air conditioning has to run all the time, causing <br />190 vehicles to go down more frequently. The department is working with NCDOT to have more reliable vehicles and to <br />191 replace more vehicles on schedule. Mr. Letman has noticed that on average, vehicles are 7 years -old. There were <br />192 some misunderstandings about when replacement should happened, based only on mileage. However, the <br />193 regulations say that replacement should be based on number of years or mileage a vehicle is in service. Mr. <br />194 Letman is trying to get vehicles maintained faster by basing replacement on years in service. <br />195 <br />196 Peter Murphy spoke about REMIX Software. Staff can put a route into the system and the software will report how <br />197 many people are within certain distance to the route (similar style to Google Maps), their economic background, <br />198 how many households are without a vehicle, and other such data that has been merged from a number of sources, <br />199 including Census data. This is a good tool for route - building. <br />200 <br />201 AGENDA ITEM 5A. REMANDING AND MARKETING EFFORT (THEO LETMAN) <br />202 <br />203 Theo Letman reviewed the Rebranding item. He said that Staff is looking forward to the re- marketing and rebranding <br />204 of service and the transit fleet. The goal is to create more identity for the County's transit services and to address <br />205 feedback from BOCC members and community members requesting more information on the extensive services. <br />206 The department collaborated with the County's Community Relations Department and came -up with a new logo <br />207 (shown in presentation). The acronym of "OPT" is proposed to be replaced with "Orange County Public <br />208 Transportation." Mr. Letman explained that the department will be rolling -out the new logo with the new buses. <br />209 <br />F. <br />
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