Orange County NC Website
• Update on Orange County's new searchable business web guide - Yvonne Scarlett <br />The IT department is working on the data. <br />• Update on Orange County's Small Business Loan & Grant programs - Yvonne Scarlett <br />Yvonne Scarlett let the Board know there has been a dramatic increase in Business Loans and an <br />even bigger interest in the Business Grants. To date, the loan programs has approved and <br />dispersed $627,000 and exhausted the revolving funds. Therefore, the County's Small Business <br />Loan program will now be using the funds allocated from the % cent sales tax. The grant program <br />currently has 24 applicants requesting a total of $235,000 and there is $113,000 available. Since <br />the start of the grant program, 28 loan applications have been awarded totaling $183,000. <br />• Roundtable Discussion on January 22 with Orange County's combined Economic <br />Development agencies - Amanda Garner <br />Amanda Garner advised the Board that a roundtable discussion is scheduled for the 22nd and <br />the idea is to gather all the people who work in economic development, the County, towns, <br />the chambers and UNC, to all get together to have a conversation to share and collaborate. <br />Adjournment <br />