Orange County NC Website
Recreativr~ arti~. ~'arh.s ~c~Uisar~ Gvt~ v~cil ~~ <br />0 f Or~zti9e Gvuvtt~ <br />P O. Box 8181, 300 W .Tryon St ,Hillsborough, NC 27278 (919) 245-2660 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: Dave Stancil, Director ERCD <br />From: Robb English, Chair RPAC <br />Subject: Fairview Park Partnership <br />Date: August 31, 2006 <br />At it's regular meeting on August 22, 2006, the Recreation and Parks Advisory Council (RPAC) <br />had the opportunity to address the recent development in which the Town of Hillsborough staff has <br />recommended modifications to the proposed Master Plan and Final report of the Fairview Park <br />Planning Committee, <br />RPAC recognizes the value of building a sustainable partnership with the Town in both the <br />development of this and potential future projects as well as looking forward to the operation of <br />Fairview Park. It is also of importance to RPAC to cause no further delay in what has already <br />proven to the Council be a long and tedious park development process,. <br />Deborah Judd, the RPAC representative on the planning committee, had the opportunity to walk <br />the hardwood area in question. As a lay person in terms of forestry, she did not place particular <br />value on the area for use in the park, She advised RPAC that the trees were not particularly <br />enormous or of the quality that made their preservation essential, It was noted that several other <br />wooded areas as well as individual specimen trees are still to be preserved within the park, In <br />addition, she raised the concern of security in creating a trail network through this secluded area. <br />For these reasons, RPAC wishes to make the following recommendations toward resolution of this <br />matter: <br />• Work with town representatives as soon as possible, to create a compromise so that the <br />process can be expedited, <br />Encourage the town to propose a future building or complex "footprint.' <br />• Create a substantial buffer in the hardwood area, designated as "park " with a boundary, , <br />preserving a portion of the hardwood area; and remove the "to be preserved" designation to <br />allow the town an opportunity in the future to occupy some of this area. <br />• Modify the language within the Master Plan Report to correspond to the staffs proposed <br />compromise position. <br />The Council stands ready far further work toward resolution of this matter as may be required. <br />cc: Deborah Judd <br />Lori Taft <br />