Orange County NC Website
~4 <br />Sheet, and a coruzection to Rainey Avenue at Homemont <br />Avenue. <br />® Three teruus courts, located adjacent to the new ballfield. <br />o A volleyball court, adjacent to the existing ballfield <br />While not a panic facility per se, a main parking lot and access <br />road is also proposed from the east and the NC 86 / NC 57 <br />izztersection. A smaller parking lot would be located on Toraizl <br />Street, and the existing parking at the "western pod" police <br />station/playground would also be retained. <br />2. It is proposed that the former landfill areas on the northern part <br />of the site be maintained in grass and allowed to be used <br />informally for non-structured activities (dog-walking, open <br />meadow, bird-watd-ting). <br />3. Opportunities for integratizlg environmental education and <br />habitats in conjunction with the former landfill should be <br />considered, including signage. <br />4. ilterest exists iz both a community room and use of the former <br />landfilled areas for subsequent phases of the park as <br />opportunities arise and Town/County fuzzds permit. <br />5. The Town and County may wish to pursue additional funding <br />through grants (Parks and Recreation Trust Fzmd, US tezuus <br />Association, for example) and future bonds, to enable the <br />construction of more facilities at the park. <br />6. Once the master plan is finalized and a construction schedule is <br />identified, a copy of both should be placed at the Fairview <br />Commuzuty Policing Substation for community information. A <br />sign noting "Future Site of Fairview Park" would also be <br />helpful. <br />7. The facilities plaruzed for the "ea stern pod" (the Public Works <br />and County Facility portions of the site) have been sketched in <br />6 <br />