CFE minutes 091415
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE minutes 091415
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3/22/2018 3:22:12 PM
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2/23/2018 12:21:59 PM
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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CFE agenda 091415
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<br /> <br /> 4 <br />VI. CFE Outreach / News Articles – The CFE reviewed news articles intended to educate <br />and inform the public about issues highlighted in the State of the Environment report. <br />Sassaman thanked Hintz for his work on the article that was published featuring news of <br />the emerald ash borer and other invasive species. Sassaman asked if there were <br />comments on the article by Tom Davis on hydraulic fracturing. Hintz asked whether the <br />article should mention potential adverse health effects. Davis said the article is intended <br />to cover the potential effects of fracking on Orange County. Sassaman suggested the <br />potential for health effects is captured in language about potential water contamination. <br />Gronback said some deeds to property relinquish the landowners’ mineral rights. <br /> <br />The CFE approved of sending the fracking article as written to area newspapers. <br />Sassaman thanked Davis for is work on preparing the article. <br /> <br /> CFE members then considered an updated list of potential topics for new articles <br />(Attachment 6). Davis said he would ask Cada to work with him on an article about <br />water conservation, based on narrative from the SOE report. The CFE discussed <br />producing an article or two on solar energy generation in Orange County, and to include <br />language in the article that advocates for restoring state tax incentives for solar energy. <br /> <br /> The CFE decided to prepare an article about solar energy issues for October, an article <br />about water conservation for November, and an article on barriers to solar development <br />for December. Draft articles will be reviewed by the appropriate committee and then <br />shared with the full CFE for a final scan prior to being submitted for publication. <br /> <br />VII. Orange County Bond Referendum 2016 – The CFE reviewed the letter it had sent to <br />the BOCC in June asking the Board to consider reopening the bond referendum process <br />and providing a full opportunity for public and County staff comment. The CFE <br />discussed sending a representative to the September 15 BOCC meeting to thank the <br />BOCC for this opportunity and to provide comments pertaining to the County’s proposed <br />2016 bond referendum. Bouma mentioned that he heard that as many as 200 people <br />were expected to show up at the meeting to speak on this issue. Hintz suggesting CFE <br />members communicate their interests to the BOCC by email rather than at the meeting. <br /> <br /> Sassaman said he would send an email to BOCC members and attached a copy of the <br />CFE’s June memo for reference. He suggested other CFE members could do the same. <br /> <br />VIII. Updates and Information Items – Information on the following subjects was provided in <br />the meeting package; selected items were discussed: a) Chatham County’s temporary <br />fracking moratorium, b) hydrilla treatments in the Eno River, c) Chapel Hill’s pollution <br />prevention video, d) Bolin Creek trail, e) Orange County’s social justice goal, f) <br />OWASA’s wastewater/biosolids report, g) OWASA’s new sustainability manager, h) <br />County brochure on tree harvesting, i) Duke Forest deer management, j) NC's response <br />to EPA's Clean Power Plan, k) Making Energy Work Conference – Oct 6. <br />Newby reported the US EPA’s Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program <br />(BenMAP) program has added to its component for social justice considerations. <br /> <br />Bouma reported County staff are identifying subjects for public service announcements <br />to be aired on WCHL Radio. He asked CFE members for any ideas for future topics. <br /> <br />IX. Adjournment – Sassaman asked for a motion to adjourn. Hintz motioned to adjourn; <br />seconded by O’Connor. Sassaman adjourned the meeting at 9:35 pm. <br /> <br /> <br />Summary by Rich Shaw, DEAPR Staff
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