CFE minutes 041315
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE minutes 041315
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Last modified
3/22/2018 3:18:46 PM
Creation date
2/23/2018 12:19:27 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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CFE agenda 041315
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Commission for the Environment\Agendas\2015
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<br /> <br /> 4 <br /> Neal asked if the rule applies to commercial developments, such as shopping <br />centers. Harvey said such developments are allowed up to 70% impervious <br />surfaces as long as there are stormwater BMPs installed to hold the runoff. <br /> <br />Benedict noted that his staff is also considering developing some variation of a transfer <br />of development rights program—or in this case a transfer of impervious surfaces. <br /> <br /> Sassaman said he is aware of a product (“Ecoraster”) used for construction of <br />roads and driveways that requires little maintenance over 20 years. He showed a <br />small prototype model of the product. Harvey said he is familiar with “GeoWeb” <br />and other products that could be used if they were certified by an engineer. <br /> <br /> Gronback asked what incentive would landowners and developers have to use <br />pervious concrete or similar products. Harvey said they would be permitted to <br />develop more parts of their property than would otherwise be allowed. He said <br />this rule change would provide landowners with more options. Harvey said the <br />intent is not to provide incentives to do the right thing for protecting water quality. <br /> <br />Harvey said Planning staff would be making similar presentations to OWASA and the <br />towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill. They plan to take the draft rule change to the May <br />26 quarterly public hearing, then back to the Planning Board in June or July, and finally <br />back to the board of county commissioners for consideration and potential approval. <br /> <br />Harvey said he and the Planning staff would welcome comments from the CFE. <br />Sassaman asked staff to prepare a summary of this presentation and discussion for CFE <br />consideration and development of potential comments at the May meeting. <br /> <br />The CFE thanked Harvey and Benedict for their presentation. <br /> <br />VII. Public Outreach – CFE members reviewed plans to share information from State of <br />Environment report with the general public. Shaw reported that he had sent the initial <br />article about hydrilla in the Eno River to the Chapel Hill News and to The News of <br />Orange County. Shaw noted that the calendar (Attachment 10) was incorrect because <br />CFE had decided to change the subject of the May article from solar energy projects to <br />the County’s new electric vehicle fast charger stations. Sassaman asked staff to update <br />the calendar. Bouma said he will provide a draft of the article for review and approval. <br /> <br />VIII. Updates and Information Items – Information on the following subjects was provided in <br />the meeting package; selected items were highlighted for discussion: a) BOCC <br />response to CFE annual report and work plan, b) Earth Evening (April 24, Hillsborough), <br />c) hydrilla in the Eno River public meeting (April), d) The Nature of Orange photo <br />contest, e) solid waste recycling program fee options, f) Governor McCrory’s budget <br />request for NCDENR, and g) new research on nutrient pollution damage to streams. <br /> <br />IX. Adjournment – Sassaman adjourned at approximately 9:20 pm. <br /> <br /> <br />Summary by Rich Shaw, DEAPR Staff
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