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<br /> <br /> 2 <br />VI. CFE News Articles – The CFE considered a draft news article by Bill Kaiser on the <br />subject of climate change and a draft follow-up article, also on climate change. Kaiser <br />pointed out he had made several edits to the first article (Part 1) since the November <br />meeting and considers it ready for CFE approval. CFE members offered some final <br />thoughts on the article, including a recommendation by Becker that there be a more <br />comprehensive description of the natural causes of climate change. Kaiser pointed out <br />the difficulty in covering the topic in just 600 words, but he would consider adding that <br />additional information if Becker would provide the suggested language. She agreed to <br />send a new sentence to Kaiser for an addition to the article. The consensus of the CFE <br />was to approve the article with minor changes by members by Kaiser. <br /> <br /> Kaiser said his second article was still in draft form and he asked for further comments <br />by CFE members and staff so he could provide a revised draft for consideration at the <br />January meeting. <br /> <br />VII. Election of Officers – CFE members conducted the annual election of a Chair and <br />Vice-Chair for the upcoming year. Lynn Gronback was elected Chair, and Bill Kaiser <br />was elected Vice Chair for 2017. Both votes were unanimous. <br /> <br />VIII. Updates and Information Items – Information on the following subjects was provided in <br />the meeting materials: a) CFE meeting calendar for 2017, b) CFE comments on UDO <br />changes for flexible minor subdivisions, c) 2016 climate change indicators in the US, d) <br />COP22 Marrakech Action Proclamation, e) NC Industrial Hemp Commission, f) and an <br />article describing the environmental meaning of President Trump. <br /> <br />IV. Adjournment – Gronback adjourned the meeting at 9:00 pm. <br /> <br /> <br />Summary by Rich Shaw, DEAPR Staff