Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br /> 1 <br />Orange County <br />Commission for the Environment <br /> <br />Meeting Summary <br /> <br />June 13, 2016 <br />Richard Whitted Meeting Facility, Hillsborough <br />________________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />PRESENT: Lynne Gronback (Acting Chair), May Becker, Peter Cada, Bill Kaiser, Bill Newby, <br />Jeanette O’Connor, Rebecca Ray, Sheila Thomas-Ambat <br /> <br />ABSENT: Thomas Eisenhart, Loren Hintz, Lydia Wegman, David Welch <br /> <br />STAFF: Tom Davis, Brennan Bouma GUESTS: Bruce Sinclair, Tim Turner <br />_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />I. Call to Order – O’Connor (on behalf of Gronback) called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. <br /> <br />II. Ad ditions or Changes to Agenda – O’Connor suggested moving the discussion of the <br />landfill solar array proposal ahead of the CFE Facebook item to accommodate guests <br />from the Carrboro Environmental Advisory Board. Cada offered a motion; seconded by <br />Ray. CFE members approved of rearranging the agenda accordingly. <br /> <br />III. Minutes – O’Connor asked for comments on the May 9 meeting summary. Cada <br />motioned approval as written; seconded by Newby. Motion approved unanimously. <br /> <br />IV. Potential Solar Array at the Closed County Landfill – The CFE received information <br />from the Town of Carrboro's Environmental Advisory Board (EAB) about that board’s <br />interest in collaborating with Orange County and the Town of Chapel Hill on investigating <br />the possibility of installing a solar array at the closed landfill. This project has not yet <br />been endorsed by the Town of Carrboro. EAB members Bruce Sinclair and Tim Turner <br />presented information from their preliminary investigations for CFE consideration and <br />discussion. <br /> <br />The EAB is looking into several ways of promoting solar power development in the area, <br />and wanted to speak with the CFE specifically about larger ground-mounted solar arrays <br />(20-40 acres, 4 - 5 MW capacity), ideally near 3-phase power substations. Sinclair said <br />the EAB has received guidance from Strata Solar <br /> <br />The Orange County landfill is one of few large parcels of land remaining for solar <br />development that are close to the potential users of that energy. It is also bordered by <br />large powerlines, and both of the parcels at the landfill that might work for solar <br />development have good southern exposures, so solar might work well at that location. <br /> <br />Sinclair and Turner said they have spoken with Orange County Solid Waste Director <br />Gayle Wilson and Solid Waste Planner Blair Pollock about this idea and learned that <br />there are two possible sites at the landfill. They also learned that Strata Solar considered <br />the landfill previously but decided not to develop there. <br /> <br />Some of the challenges associated with developing solar on a landfill are that you have <br />to accommodate for future settling of the land surface and for the active landfill gas <br />recovery system that is operating on both parcels. <br />