Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br /> 2 <br /> <br />V. Clean Power Plan – Bouma briefed the CFE on efforts to persuade state legislatures to <br />follow through on the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan put forward by the <br />USEPA. He noted the Town of Chapel Hill is among 50 or so cities and counties taking <br />a stance on this issue. Bouma offered to contact John Richardson (Town of Chapel Hill) <br />for more details on what the Town and other local governments intend to do about this <br />and will monitor activities to consider whether Orange County ought to join the coalition. <br /> <br />VI. Committee Meetings – Wegman asked if CFE members wished to break out into the <br />standing committees to review the revised list of priorities provided by the staff. The <br />CFE chose to review the list individually and the members of each committee to confer <br />with one another about the list and to consider next steps. <br /> <br />VII. Updates and Information Items – Information on the following subjects was provided in <br />the meeting package; selected items were discussed: a) CFE membership roster, b) Eno <br />River hydrilla management project, c) Jordan Lake water allocation, d) tour of forest <br />management activities at OWASA Mitigation Tract, e) wind farmer testimonial, f) the <br />need to modernize water data, g) February’s record heat, h) record low Arctic Sea ice, <br />and i) “The Nature of Orange” photo contest 2016. <br /> <br />VIII. Adjournment – Wegman adjourned the meeting at 9:00 pm. <br /> <br /> <br />Summary by Rich Shaw, DEAPR Staff