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Animal Services Advisory Board <br />June 18h, 2008 Meeting <br />Approved Minutes <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Fee and Fine Updates—Bob Marotto reported that the implementation of the new fees and fines would <br />occur on July 1, 2008. Andi Morgan has been doing the public outreach required by the commissioners in <br />order to implement these adjustments. Mr. Marotto also noted that the adjusted County license fees for <br />intact animals would also come into effect July 1, 2008, for dog and cat owners who are residents of the <br />Towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill. <br /> <br />ASAB Committees— <br /> <br />Potentially Dangerous Dog Committee—No hearings or hearing requests have been made since the last <br />ASAB meeting.. <br /> <br />Adopter Surveys—Per the request of a board member at the May ASAB meeting, Ms. Allison provided <br />copies of the Adopter Survey, which has been recently implemented at the shelter. It is a tool used to help <br />staff determine which type of animal best fits the potential adopter’s lifestyle in order to have a more <br />successful match of pet and person. Ms. Allison indicated that the survey is from the ASPCA and used in <br />conjunction with the Meet Your Match Program. <br /> <br />Placement Partner Update—Mr. Marotto reported that the finished product should be completed soon. <br />The only thing remaining is completing the research on the possible requirement for certain liability <br />insurance and the cost associated with it. At this time we are still waiting to hear back from insurance <br />companies on various quotes. <br /> <br />Spay/Neuter Committee— Mr. Marotto reported that the committee has not met recently but expects to <br />meet in the month of July. He also noted that he and Paula Ragan had recently met with Beth Livingston <br />of Animal Kind to discuss a partnership between AnimalKind and Orange County Animal Services. The <br />intent is to obtain legal review of a draft agreement and then seek BOCC approval after their recess.. <br /> <br />May Statistical Summary—Ms. Jess Allison gave an overview of the May 2008 statistical summaries. She <br />reported that the increase in intakes is due to the spring season. <br /> <br />New Business— <br /> <br />Select Updates— Mr. Marotto gave an overview the FY08/09 budge process as it related to <br />Animal Services (pending final BOCC approval and adoption). The Animal Services <br />Department obtained approval for 2 of 3 new positions that the County Manager recommended, <br />and there were no cuts in its operating budget (except for a 25 percent across the board <br />reduction in the training line item). However, commissioners had specific concerns and <br />questions regarding the spay/neuter funds and why there are two separate funds and Mr. <br />Marotto stressed the importance of ASAB representatives attending public hearings during next <br />year’s budget process to indicate their strong support for such initiatives. <br /> <br />Mr. Marotto also noted that BOCC approved the purchase the “animobile units” and vehicles <br />needed to replace three Animal Control vehicles. The new compartments will help to maintain <br />