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3 <br />Department of Social Services <br />7 The Department of Social Services has received notification from the State of funds totaling <br />$26,820 from the At-Risk Medicaid cost settlement for the state fiscal year 2004-2005. The <br />department plans to use the funds to offset costs of providing services to at-risk students <br />within the Orange County school system. This budget amendment provides for the receipt of <br />these funds for the above stated purposes, (See Attachment 1, column #7) <br />Visitors Bureau <br />8, On June 13, 2006, the Board of County Commissioners approved an appropriation of <br />$30,000 from existing Visitors Bureau Fund fund balance to complete two initiatives prior to <br />the end of FY 2005-06. Due to timing of contracts, the department was not able to <br />encumber the appropriated funds and the funds reverted to the Bureau's fund balance. This <br />budget amendment re-appropriates the fund balance to pay for the Visitors Bureau's <br />Summer 2006 Newspaper Campaign and for the completion of the Visitors Center. In <br />addition to the above re-appropriation, the Visitors Bureau Board requests an additional <br />appropriation totaling $30,000 to initiate a Tourism Marketing Campaign, which will involve <br />building a branding design concept and developing a strategic plan and on-line marketing <br />program. With the appropriations outlined in this amendment, approximately $203,424 <br />remains available in the Visitors Bureau Fund fund balance, This budget amendment <br />provides for the appropriation of $60,000 from the Visitors Bureau Fund for the above stated <br />purposes. (See Attachment 1, column #8) <br />Library Services <br />9. The Orange County Library has received funds totaling $5,000 from the Town of <br />Hillsborough for the local history room. The department plans to use these funds to improve <br />access to genealogy materials. This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these <br />funds. (See Attachment 1, column #9) <br />10. The Orange County Library has received E-Rate funds totaling $3,761 to improve Internet <br />access for public PC's at libraries in Orange County, There is no County match required for <br />the receipt of these funds. This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these funds. <br />(See Attachment 1, column #9) <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Financial impacts are included in the background information above. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board of County Commissioners <br />approve the attached budget ordinance and grant project ordinance amendments. <br />